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"Virtues of a Wiccan"
LOVE....Love is the basis of our Way. To know Love is to recognize the common thread between our lives and the lives of others, and allows us to embrace the God and Goddess.
*It is said "If you find it not within thee, ye shall find it not without-for this is the nature of all Love."

TRUST....*Trust is not only the foundation of Love, but it is a code of life. The following words of wisdom have been passed through some traditions, and speak wisely... "Choose with care to whom your Trust is given, but to s/he who is worthy, give without restraint"
"If ye cannot Trust he who would teach, put not thy learning in their charge, but let knowledge be sought elsewhere"

BALANCE...We are taught that our world is achieved and controlled through Balance....Balance within Nature, Balance within ourselves and Balance within the relationship between ourselves and Nature. *Balance is an understanding of the worlds of Nature and humanity as reflections of the realm of the Divine, encompassed in the saying "as above, so below."

HUMILITY...Humility is one of the most important Virtues to be practiced throughout one's life. To be able to be open to others and our Dieties, we need to not be full of selves. Humility keeps open to others ideas and teachings, and keeps us from rising above the lowest rock or plant, as each living thing has its own important massage for us to follow and learn from. *"Think not that you must estinguish someone else's candle, that you may cast a light"

LEARNING...Learning is a never ending lesson. The teacher learns from the student what the teacher has not taught. *"If thou wouldst dare to teach, thou must never cease to learn"

HARMONY....All life is interconnected. We would cease to be should the sun refuse to shine, or the plants refuse to grow or be taken. Live in Harmony with all of Nature, and understand that our life without each aspect would be void. It is our responsibility to understand the Power of Harmony and to consider this when practicing "spells" and "rituals".

TOLERANCE...Tolerance is the knowledge that each person is different and while some ways are good for some, other ways are good for others. Through acceptance comes an open mind and open heart, which allows us to become closer to the Harmony of the world.

*Taken from the book "Pagan Ways" by Gwydion O'Hara


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