Jonathan, Almost 4 Years Old!

Here are the most recent pictures.
JonathanFirstSchoolDay.jpg (154534 bytes)   JonathanFeedingGiraffe.jpg (223548 bytes)   JonathanDragon.jpg (202724 bytes)   JonathanMakingPancakes.jpg (181902 bytes)   AltChristmasPic.jpg (153409 bytes)


Here is a selection of pictures of Jonathan from the past 3 months.  Trains have definitely been the topic of just about anything that comes out of his mouth over this time and let me tell you, that mouth is always running!  You can see the titles of the pictures from their web addresses, but we would like to specify that the first one is from Jonathan's first day of preschool.  He started this September and has definitely enjoyed playing and spending time with his teacher and classmates.  From the very first day, he was very sure of his, uh, masculinity (should we say), "girls play with dolls, boys play rough and get sweaty".  Overall, he is a very good boy.  I feel comfortable saying that he is now fully potty trained while awake.  And we certainly enjoy his observations and humor.


Enjoy the pictures!