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U3A Tauranga Inc.
Note: May Meeting in Group News

About Us

 Statement of our organisation, purpose and guiding principles

Our organisation

We are an independent, self-help, not-for-profit organisation run by the voluntary efforts of our members within the philosophy of the world-wide University of the Third Age movement. “University” is used in its original sense of people coming together to learn from one another. “Third Age” refers to the age of active retirement. We are an incorporated society and were founded in 1995.

Our purpose

To enable older people not in full-time employment to continue learning, sharing their knowledge and research, as well as providing opportunities for social contact.

Our guiding principles

Our purpose is given effect by:

1. Providing opportunities for members to come together to learn from one another, regarding themselves as both learners and tutors, running their own programmes and drawing on each other’s knowledge, skills, experience and research.

2. Maintaining membership open to all – in respect of age, while the majority of members are retired people, no joining age is stipulated.

3. Neither requiring nor awarding any qualifications.

4. Fostering learning in a challenging, enjoyable and stimulating way, with members participating actively in friendly and supportive environments.

5. Offering a wide range of traditional, contemporary, creative and leisure activities which reflect members’ wishes.

6. Ensuring U3A is run in a voluntary manner, with members’ participation being encouraged, respected and valued.

7. Where tutors are necessary, obtaining their services on a voluntary basis from within U3A wherever possible.

8. Inviting experts from outside U3A where specialist input is sought, is not available in U3A and is given on a voluntary basis.

9. Maintaining U3A as an independent organisation run by its members.

10. Funding activities mainly from subscriptions of members, which are kept at a reasonable level.

11. Fostering good communication and a common sense approach.

12. Making use of new technologies which assist activities.

13. Collaborating with local educational institutions and community groups

14. Promoting the benefits of U3A in the local community and other districts.

3.  Our Publications

Explanatory brochure:  Explains the thinking behind U3A and how it operates, including an enrolment form.  It is given to people enquiring about U3A.

Annual handbook:  Has full details of U3A and the interest groups, and is given to members on joining U3A.

Newsletters:  A 2 to 3 monthly round-up of topical matters sent to members.



President: Uli Hoppe 572-1008 e-mail uhoppe@ihug.co.nz
Vice-President: Martin Dumbill: 570-0463 e-mail mpdumbill@xtra.co.nz
Past President : Jean Davis 579-1930 e-mail jaydee21@kinect.co.nz
Secretary: Diana Bergersen  543 0668 e-mail berg@clear.net.nz
Treasurer: Paul Wooding 572 0686 e-mail
Membership Secretary: Janet Ormsby 576-5008 e-mail
Groups Facilitator:  Thelma Cane 574 6222 e-mail thelmacane@xtra.co.nz
                                  Doreen Anderson 576-3058 e-mail andersondem@xtra.co.nz
Publications Editor: Ann Rynex 576-3833 e-mail car8@clear.net.nz
Meeting: Jim Taylor   543 0339 fax 534-0340
Publicity: Ken Gillan 572-3467 e-mail
Assisting Committee

Almoner: Doris Hamer   571 8184 e-mail hamer@bopis.co.nz

Funding - Peter Simmons, 576 0952, e-mail wynpete@xtra.co.nz

Skills Register - Janet Ormsby, 576 5008, e-mail janet.L3@xtra.co.nz

Webmaster:  Alan Freer  576-5243 e-mail albinus_nz@yahoo