[2nd Sem. SY 2001-2002]   [1st Sem. SY 2001-2002]

October 15, 2001

Ho hum, how I absolutely loathe school! Just finished the last of my finals and I feel so burned. That last exam was utterly impossible. I guess we were lucky enough to have gotten Sir See as a teacher *interjects sarcasm*. One word if you go to UP Diliman and you're taking up French under See: BEWARE! Just before I took the exam, an aquaintence did the ol' finger slashing throat gesture at me..yup, we have nothing but love for French 13...

Anyway, I'm all alone at the place now since everyone's gone to their "real" homes. When I arrived at the condo, it was like entering a big empty oblivion. Loneliness..The phone even RANG and it was for MEE (cha-ching!).... But it was just my aunt checking to see if I was available tomorrow to attend my grandma's party... Felt kind of bad telling her I couldn't go because of some loose ends at school I have to tend to. He he,I feel so in-demand now! ^.^ Pathetic, huh? Considering it's just my relatives that want me... ~.~ On second hand, my parents called this morning, and my best friend, Mary, called me last Saturday. I've gotten three calls this week! ^.^

So, a---nnyway, Paul, Peng, Jonina (a friend of Peng), and I went out last Saturday to drink! So ha-ha to Jops and Joy, and uhm, Mel and Kat even, for not being able to join us =P We went to a bar and just hung around...no, we didn't get drunk. Some of the people around us got soo wasted! Some of them started dancing on the table-tops, and it's like, a friggin' bar, not a dance club. Anyway, funny stuff.

Okay, so I don't really have anything interesting to say. In summary, I'm burned. Go me!

October 12, 2001

It's my break right now. I'm tired of studyin' so I just decided to write here. Hmmmmm,,,,, let's see….what can I write??? I have no idea…I've been bombarded with those stuff m studyin' have exams up to Monday and I can't wait till its OVER!!! Everyone's acting weird now in the dorm… is it the mcdonald's food? Or is it the coffee? Or the yakult? Whatever is it I don't care… so far, I studied like half of my readings… have to stay up really late to be able to finish those stuff… joy's making a mural and ann's doin sumthing in the computer room… paul's lecturing me about laws and stuff coz she's also reviewin I'm now learning somethin' bout habeas corpus and all those law stuff. What can I write? Ahah! Had an idea….. Here are some lines that people here at the dorm commonly use….

JOPS: bongalala! ( used everytime she's dismayed or somethin')
Procrastinate (just found the meaning of this word recently coz its finals week)
Hay naku… (when she arrives at the dorm after a tough day in school)

ANN: Layas! (umm, no explanation needed.. she says this everytime to me and Joy, it makes us feel bad, like we're not wanted. It hurts us deeply! =( )
You're so mean! (I dunno why keeps on sayin this to us.)
Favorite word: Rustan's. ex. Hey, who wants to go to rustan's or come on, lets go to rustan's!

PAUL: Jat (This is her favorite word and the name of her baby. Sweet huh?)
Hello?!(she practically questions everythin now that she's reviewin about those law stuff of hers)

JOY: N'SYNC (ex. Ok, it's N'SYNC hour! Or N'SYNC rules!)
*I'm kinda startin to like the songs of N'SYNC coz of her
Favorite thing to do: argue with ann (they argue about anything in the same way they agree at everythin. It's like they have their own little world here…ex. Ann, can I fix your stuff? I feel cluttered)

KAT: You know what? (this is coz she's really knowledgeable about general stuff and all. She practically knows everythin')
How cute! (she practically appreciates anythin' she's so creative kase)
Can I just share? (Used when she's about to share an experience she had for the day)

MEL: so there ( she uses this everytime she ends a sentence)
Hey there! (she tells this everytime she arrives at the dorm.)
Bye! (everytime she leaves the dorm)

WORD FOR THE WEEK: Whatever! (not a day passes by that this will not be used in the dorm)

Ok, gotta go.. I know some of you guys will have something to comment about this..and maybe violent reactions even. anyway,, don't care! Hehe.. bye for now…..

Joy adds:

Since Peng didn't put her normally used phrases, I (with Paul's help) will add it. =)
PENG: Ganun, ganun (Used when she tell a story)
Like, like, like (When she talks to Ann)

October 8, 2001

Joy and Peng are so mean! Last Saturday afternoon, while I was taking a shower, Joy and Peng turn my watch/clocks forward an hour, with the exception of my alarm clock 'cause Joy couldn't figure out how to change the time. Anyway, I pretty much go through the whole day not realizing it and even note that Joy's cellphone clock was supposedly an hour behind when my time was, in fact, the one that was ahead. They thought I was onto them at that point, but little do they realize the capacity I have to be extremely dense! So anyway, I make fun of Joy for having her clock set back an hour and Peng is just cracking up. But then, it didn't click that my time was wrong, I mean, do you really suspect people of doing that to you? And anyway, Peng laughs at everything! Mean, huh? Eventually, they turn the time back when I'm in the shower again that night, and there's clueless ol' me sitting around like nothing happened. I'm telling you, I was oblivious to the whole thing! They had to tell me the next day what they had done and that's when the pieces fit. "Oh, yeah, huh.." Duh, Joy isn't weird enough to turn her clock back, though I am. Hehe, I tripped her earlier today even...maybe I did it on purpose subconsciously....

Okay, so now I'm typing my 10 page Philo paper that's due tomorrow (or today, 5 minutes from now since it's 11:55pm), or at least, was. I'm having my nth break of the night. Joy's looking over my shoulder now, for some reason, holding a remote control, like it's a weapon(dum de dum dum), over my head. Haha...weirdness.....

October 5, 2001

It's finals week next week, and thank god the HELL I've been living this past month is almost over! I haven't been home since September 16, no wonder I've been running out of clothes and money. All my presentations/orals/defense are done, so all I have left are finals. What a drag...

Paul, Ann, and I just finished eating our orders from Little Caesars. It's only 11:30pm and we're already having our midnight snack. It's because I've been craving pizza for so long, but I actually wanted Sbarro's pizza, but Sbarro's is so far so we settled for Little Caesars.

Ann's updating our website. She keeps talking to me about image maps and other things, like I know what she's talking about. I just politely smile and nod my head like I know what she's talking about, but I really don't. But today, I learned the difference between JPEG, Bitmap, and Gif. The things I learn from my dormmates.

That's all for now, I should start researching on the "perspective of Denmark and Sweden on the implementation of the Euro Policy." Uh-huh, yeah sure, whatever... On a sad note, I went through one prepaid card in a week. My question is: Who on earth have I been texting/calling that I went through it so quickly?!?! A prepaid card usually lasts me 3-4weeks. Oh, I remember now it was all those group papers/presentations and I had to text/call all my groupmates. The things I do in the name of grades...

Ann's being mean to me!!! She's telling me to look at her meanly, but I'm not a mean person!!! Can't she understand that? I am naturally nice, hence my name Mari JOY! hehe

October 4, 2001

This is my first ever entry in the 712 chronicles, and joy tells me that is has to be 'good.' Well, I don't know what the heck "good" means... I think what she means though that it has to follow the tone of those that were written before. As if! What, there's even a standards here for me to follow... I can't take it anymore! The standards, the pressure! I'm about to breakdown...

Forgive me, the only reason I'm cranky is coz reading too much philo messed up my mind. I think it really is supposed to work that way. But man, my mind's messed up already, so that equals utter chaos!

Joy is in her side of the room while me and jops are at our own designated places. Oh yes, we have that. It's a polite way of saying this is my territory so scram! But joy breaks the rules... she promises to clean up ann's place one time. And I don't blame her, I'm itching to fix her stuff too. Hehe! What to write about the day? Nothing else could be more ordinary than this day. Well, for me that is. Nothing exciting happens to me anymore. Especially with jat gone. It's just me, my computer, my bed and my seat. Not as exciting as Mel's. I bet Mel's out having fun again... I tell you, she's the only one with a social life around here.

Oh I remember something funny! I just bribed joy into talking to me. She says she won't but she did coz I gave her an eenzy weenzy piece of revel bar... Ha! (to joy) Got you, didn't I? I know us three (joy, jops and me) were just amusing ourselves from total boredom but I forget what we were laughing about.

Joy kids me that this looks like a long entry... hmmm (scrolls above) nope, just right a length for my crap! Gotta go... still have to philosophize sa dalisay ng karanasan ng "umaasa ako"... whatever!

Sept 24, 2001

Dear Diary, (haha... I just wanted to started it that way)

Anyway, two more weeks of school plus finals. Everything is due!!! Aaaahhh, I just feel like screaming, what would be cool was if I could freeze time like Piper on Charmed or that girl in the 80's show Out of this World, I forget her name. All I remember was her character was half alien and her boyfriend was named Steve. Oh! And she had an uncle named Uncle Bino. Damn it! This is going to drive me crazy if I don't remember her name. Grrr... I can't even remember the theme song, even though there was a time I had it memorized.

Well anyway, I know it will come to me eventually. =) Ateneo is in the Finals against DLSU. Go Ateneo! Who knows if we will win, but still go Ateneo! Wait, I just remembered, we have to win. Because, every team I've cheered on this year for the finals has won. Like in the NBA, NHL, WNBA, the Women's US Open, so my streak can't break with Ateneo. I won't let it... I will WILL them to win.

Our TV is broken which is a good thing since it forced me to actually study this weekend. But, I don't know what happened on Gilmore Girls and it was their season finale. =( Sad... I bought a newspaper today so that I would feel in touch with the world. I hope there's no war. I really do. Why fight violence with more violence? I mean, I know terrorism shouldn't be allowed and that they should pay for what they did, but I think it just makes the terrorists more angry if retaliation occurs. And then it just becomes this big old cycle of innocents dying. I think that the terrorists did what they did to get everyone's attention (obviously). But they did it to tell people, "Hey, start treating us right." Or something like that. But what do I know, I'm just a student. Like Rodney King famously said, "Can't we all just get along?"

I should get back to writing my paper in History. The history of medieval women and religion. Interesting, very interesting. Yeah right.

By the way, I still don't remember her freaking name. She talked to her dad in a little diamond case that would open up. Her mom was a redhead. Arghhh… I give up.

**Next Day**
It's the next day, and I remembered the name of the girl in Out of This World. Her name is... *drumroll please* EVIE GARLAND! I remembered early this morning…it makes me feel all better now.

Sept 8, 2001

Finally got the pictures developed and uploaded onto the site. Joy keeps pointing out how I'm in like, every other picture. I really don't know how that happened, I mean, I guess cameras just love me. Just kidding. Okay, okay, next time I'll be the one behind the camera.

Just getting over an almost-sickness that was apparently an epidemic, 'cause both Joy and Paul showed the symptoms too. It's good we didn't actually get sick, what with exams and all. This is a good time to reminisce back to those days when Mommy would warm up some chicken noodle soup and pamper us until we got better. I miss those days!! Now it's like, better head on over to the drug store before you start throwing up all over the place. Ah, the adult life!

Thinking about adding some kind of dictionary for some term/lingo we might happen to use that's of Philippine context. Joy and I were discussing that some people have a hard time understanding some concepts/words. It's a good idea, but it'll take a little time.

September 5, 2001

just finished shopping again with jops to get some stuff, actually not so important stuff and thanks to her, I have no money left! hehe! We ate in this place which for me, serves the best burgers! We were so full after that! As in!!! Last night ann and I went to this place in katipunan and we weren't able to finish our sukiyaki don so ann had them wrapped in a paper bag and gave the leftovers to the street kids (aww!! So nice huh?!) after that, we rode the taxi to the mall and we started to explore the places in the mall and bought some stuff then we watched rush hour 2. It was so funny! Ann and I got shakes pla before going to the movies and she got shake all over her shirt! Hehe! She eats like a kid I guess...I think I'd prefer that than getting bird poop on your white shirt! we finished the movie around 12 and we started looking for a taxi and those god damn cab drivers kept asking us to pay for their fixed price!!!(which is really really overpriced! Believe me!) My god! I mean, I just hate them! They're taking advantage of our situation. =( now, I'm just doing nothing! We took pictures, again! I forgot I was wearing this shocking green shirt! Sorry guys I look ridiculous! we haven't finished that god damn film upto now though. Joy is so kulit! She keeps buggiin' me while I'm doing this and she keeps askin' me bout my family coz she's lookin' at the pix, she's so pakialamera! hehe. Guess I better go...


I had dinner with Ann, we both ate boneless chicken. The rice was hard and very difficult to swallow. When I was younger, I only ate rice during dinner, but now that I'm here in the Philippines, I constantly eat it. Don't get me wrong or anything, I like rice, just not everyday. Thank GOD for Yakisoba, which in my opinion can be argued as one of the best inventions of man-kind. :)

I have two very bad weeks coming up! Exams, assignments, reports, orals, you name it, I have it! You would think that after so many years of school, I would know not to procrastinate, but I can't! I have to procrastinate, it's an illness I tell you! But I have improved, my first year of college I only studied for an exam the day before i took it, but now I start a week before I take the exam. It's a baby-step, but it's still a step, right?

I should be like Ann, Ann's cool! She studies like... NEVER! Does she learn not to procrastinate? NO! She'll keep putting things off until... until an hour before they're do. But the funniest thing is, when she comes home from school and she says, "I'll never procrastinate again!" And she gets all serious about it, by setting up a "schedule." And to this date, I still have not seen her follow her schedule.

Ann doesn't like school, but who does? It just gets in the way of you sleeping, going out, and watching *NSYNC videos (oops! Did I just say that?) Hey! I'm not the only *NSYNC fan, if I'm going down, I'm taking everyone else with me! Ann LOVES *NSYNC, especially the song "I Drive Myself Crazy" hence the reason she put it as her favorite song at the moment. And Kat's a fan too! She's darn proud of it, it's a sight to see her dance to their music.

Aug 27, 2001

We finally got some film for the camera and have been going picture crazy...Actually, just myself and Peng.

My current addiction is Nestle Taho. I can't seem to get enough of it. I bought two yesterday and just finished both, and I'm craving it again already!

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