My Beliefs.
I believe
that love is the most important thing...
even if I lack of it.
I believe
friends should always be treasured...
even if I sometimes don't.
I believe
an individual should never loose there individuality...
because without it we are nothing.
I believe
laughter keeps you young.
I believe
that if we forget we loose part of life...
(that's why I keep everything)
Memories good or bad
have made me what I am...
I hope I never forget
cause all those things...
make me, me...
        Living in Oblivion
My name is Stephanie Ann... I've made this page with the soul purpose of saying here what I sometimes forget or simple can't say...

    Well, that's me...and my baby girl Karelia... This picture was taken in Finland where I went to pick her up... On my mid-term vacations...
