Love letter to My Dream Girl


If it hurts you to look back, frightens you to look ahead just look beside...I'll be there !!!


I don't know how would you react to this little note of love, you may feel surprised, flattered as you may feel indifferent but rest assured this is my first love letter to any girl.

I had so much struck with your innocent child like beautiful face and charming personality. So as to brave courage to write you this letter I wonder if you still think of one but I always think of you, your sweet ways, graceful manner, suggestive smile and extra-ordinary character.

I think you are always in an opportunity to speak with me, but your shyness is the greatest obstacle. But this letter of mine would make you bold enough to come closer. Nobody knows about my sincere love.

I wrote this poem for you when I felt I could no longer hold back my feelings. If you get a chance to read nothing else contained here, I want you to read this. When I wrote it, I had no inkling that you would see it. I was just writing to maintain my own sanity. Every word of it comes from the bottom of my heart.

...When nothing makes sense 

And every thought is blurred 

Love will finds it's way 

And somehow I understand I know why it is 

And what must be No matter what arises Or what happens

 Love will always Find it's way And lead us to our place.

When you look into my eyes
You view my soul
And see the love
I have to give
It is everything I am
And because of it
I will always love you
For, you have given it to me
In a world full of despair
You've given me hope
For something more
Something better

For this you will always be special
I love you more than any one will ever know
If there was a word to describe my love
Surely it would only be spoken by God.
For no person could love more than me
In my heart I carry you
And the essence of love
In its pure and simple form
All I have to offer you is me
And my love
Though both are simple
I promise they are true
Even as I write this
I think of how to describe to you
Something I hardly understand
But I must tell you how I feel

So I close my eyes
And let my heart guide my hand
Perhaps the tears that fall from my eyes
Will show you my love
And how much it means to me,
To me our love is everything
I believe love will find it's way
And show us the answers
To the questions being reveiled
I promise you that I will always love you '    '
And I never meant to hurt you
I promise I will never forget it
For out of everything in my life
Your love would be my most valueable possession
And the memories
I have with it
Will always be my fondest.

Life is truly a mystery
A puzzle waiting to be solved
Although one might be able to solve it alone
The answer will be found easier with another
I want to discover life with you '    '
And experience all of life's mysteries
Together in your embrace

I love you '    '...always and forever..."

If you accept my love, I shall be the happiest souls ever alive, otherwise please excuse this stupid fellow and forget this matter forever. I pray for you that 'May you fly in the plane of ambition and land on the airport of success.' I assure you that I will never indulge in anything which may effect your reputation.

With lots of love.

Yours ever lovingly guy.