Copyright (C) 2000 by William Mistele. All rights reserved.

How to Meet Undines


For the first ten years, I did not talk to anyone about my experiences with undines. I simply did not know anyone who saw them. Consequently, my experiences with undines were very private. Now at least I know four individuals whose experiences with undines are similar to my own.

One woman is so psychic she can tell which of the undines I have been interacting with. Another woman sees undines whenever she goes to the beach. A third woman describes an undine with words and poetry similar to my own at the moment I take up contact with the undine.

It is really nice to have others with whom you can share your experiences. These women have stronger astral connections to these undines than I have. But I have learned a lot from them and made progress in connecting to the astral plane. Some of my poetry was written while these women acted as mediums.

In one case, I did not realize the woman I was eating a hot fudge sunday with while overlooking a yaught harbor behind the Illakia Hotel in Waikiki was a powerful medium. It took me about a minute to realize she was no longer present and that I was talking to Istiphul who had taken possession of the woman's body. In another case, I met a woman who has a fabulous gift at channeling spirits. When she channeled Istiphul, I felt a direct connection with Istiphul's way of feeling and sensing and the pleasures she experiences.

But any contact with the inner planes and archetypal energies which undines embody can carry with it a sense of disorientation or confusion. Whether as a medium or a magician, when powerful feelings flow through you you have to process them. You have to find a place for them in your life. You need to establish a perspective so that you can say, "Here is the natural world with its enchanting beauty and overpowering feeling of peace and here is my personality. Here is where the two overlap and interact and here is where they go their separate ways."

Without this clarity and definition concerning personal boundaries, your body, feelings, and mind temporarily lose their connection to each other. You are not in harmony with yourself. You feel overwhelmed or else your ego gets blown up out of proportion. One woman wanted me to only channel a specific undine with her and never to meditate on it with anyone else. This is like saying the archangel Gabriel is the possession of our magical order and no one else should be permitted to have this knowledge. But I am too Aquarian for jealousy, possessiveness, and insecurity of this magnitude. My spiritual and magical experiences I would share with everyone. There is nothing I wish to hold back.

Another woman began to hallucinate in inconvenient circumstances after accepting an elemental's gift to her. You must be careful about the gifts you receive from the other side. Only you as a human being have the power and authority to decide on how to run your own life so it is harmonious and satisfying. And elemental beings have absolutely no sense of human ethics. Even the most loving of undines live in a world of pure power.

Six Ways of Interacting with Undines

I think there are six main ways to interact with undines. The first one is due to enchantment or magical power which comes from outside of yourself. That is, you are at the beach or at sea during some rare astrological influence. Or there is something unique about the physical location--an undine haunts that specific spot. Or else someone gives you a magical item which places you under an enchantment opening your inner vision. That is, in these cases, the veils between the worlds are temporarily suspended and the undine is permitted to materialize or else your senses are heightened to a psychic level of vision. This has not happened to me so I will leave others to discuss it as a possibility.

The second way of interacting with undines is just to be psychic--clairvoyant, clairsentient, or telepathic. I use all three though I possess a higher level of clairsentience--I can feel what others feel and I am fairly good at describing auras--the nature and qualities of any spiritual being.

Though my fundamentalist Christian friends would object strenuously to my Bible reference, the Apostle Paul says some are given the ability to discern spirits and this ability I have. How did I get this ability? I asked for it. But I have also put a great deal of training into it so it is usable and friendly. I will give some examples of the three main psychic modes of perception latter on.

In brief, then, the women I know who are mediums are also psychics. One woman can see and hear undines speaking with incredible ease. I have to go into at least a semi state of trance to do what she does. Some individuals just have these abilities. They can see energy and spirits. But there are preferences individuals have and different inclinations. You can have an ability and oftentimes completely ignore it if you so choose.

The man who has discovered the most exploding stars in our century is a Baptist Minster in Australia. He is not a professional astronomer. He goes into his backyard every night and uses his telescope and looks at any number of thousands of galaxies. He knows these galaxies so well that when there is a change he spots it right away.

If you look for something and your search is supported by knowledge, then you find what you are looking for. If you do not look, then you may not notice what is going on even when it is right there in front of you. The same is true of undines. If you spend time studying the water element, lakes, seas, rivers and the watery vibration on the inner planes, then you will notice the slightest change in your perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and sensations when an undine is present. If you do not look, then an undine can be sitting next to you at the beach and you may not notice anything.

What I am saying, then, is that undines are elemental spirits who occupy the inner planes. They have a great affinity for the water element and a close tie to the etheric or subtle vibration of water. Where the undine is developed, she or he is able to influence our physical world through the power of magick which resides in the water element.

In some cases, however, the undine can in fact materialize. If you find gold or a diamond on the ground, you are free to pick it up and use it as you will. If an undine finds a lot of free energy available, she is free to use it to materialize, to take on physical being and corporeality. What a medium does is she offers a lot of free energy to a spirit and the spirit can then inhabit to some degree or speak through the medium's body or in some cases materialize in the same room outside of the medium's body.

I make this point because the physical world, unlike the astral plane, has a lot of energy stored in physical matter. Matter is very restricted and limited. It has a history. There are stones lying around billions of years old. They assume a certain form and stick to it. You crack open enough atoms at once and you have a nuclear explosion. Like I say, there is lots of energy here on the physical world.

When individuals die, they have pretty much the exact same personality as when they were alive. But they no longer have the same level of energy. They are unable to interact easily with the physical world. There is a charge of energy placed against your account when you engage in any kind of spiritual activity. Crossing back and forth from the astral plane to the physical plane can be rather expensive taxing your nervous system and your vitality.

When Oppenheimer was designing the first atomic bomb, he ignored the incredible amount of work involved. It was pure pleasure. When individuals loves what they are doing, the work is enjoyable. The effort is inconsequential. On the other hand, if you love math and you try to study differential equations before you know algebra, you may find yourself running into a brick wall. You don't get it and nothing works out. There is a lot to be said for doing your basic training. To interact with undines, it helps to develop your senses, your empathy, and your imagination.

Franz Bardon, a Czech magician, mentions in his work, The Practice of Magical Evocation, that it is possible for an undine to take over the body of a human woman and to live a life as a human being. She retains all her magical powers and her own personality as she does this. Bardon says this may occur when a magical pact is made between a magician and an undine. In this case, the undine may find a young woman who is dying and at the moment of the woman's death, the undine takes the body and revives it placing her own undine astral body within the human's physical body. Bardon says he once warned one of his students to not perform this magical action with an undine but the student went ahead and did it anyway--and this within the twentieth century!

On the other hand, sometimes individuals allow themselves to be strongly influenced by a spirit or elemental to such an extent that they almost share the same consciousness. The elemental has the memories and thoughts of the human being and the human being has the intuition and magick of the elemental. This can be done in positive and negative ways. It can also be done through ritual or occur naturally during moments of inspiration.

A dancer, singer, poet, or artist can fall into a natural trance and share or channel the elemental while performing or producing an art work. In Hawaii, for example, the traditional hula dancers would channel through the dance the Hawaiian deity who inspires hula. Those who are trained in the tradition can see when the channeling is occurring successfully or when the hula dancer is instead performing by relying upon artistic ability without the inner inspiration.

The same is true in Hopi Indian Katchina dancing. The one who dances is the particular Katchina spirit associated with individual mask and not the human being. In this sense, the entire tribe of initiated Hopi Indians are mediums. This may sound strange but in my understanding God wanted the entire nation of Israel to be priests and prophets. The Jews and Christians have just found this a hard pill to swallow. From a magical point of view, the Western world lacks spiritual imagination.

To summarize, the first way of interacting with undines is due to an outside influence which enables the undine to cross over from the inner planes to the physical world. The second method involves being psychic. You perceive the undine using your psychic abilities or, as with a medium, you allow the undine to draw upon the excess life force in your body to communicate with you or to materialize.

Let me just parenthetically discuss the possibility that there is an actual biological species of half human being and half fish dwelling in the oceans. If this is the case, then it is a matter for zoology. You find the species and then you can catalogue it. Apparently no one has found this species yet.

Of course, doubtless we could genetically engineer a half man half fish--that is, a human being who can live and swim in the sea. But this belongs to the near or far future or perhaps to science fiction. There is also the possibility that some family line, group of magicians and so forth practice shape shifting into mermaids and mermen, or into seals, etc. but this is not what I think is meant by the term mermaid or undine. This is similar to the idea of a werewolf or having a totem animal you project your consciousness into.

In the third method, you project your mental or astral body into the undine's domain on the astral plane. Some individuals just have these abilities. They have had them since they were little and sometimes this has been a blessing and sometimes a curse. For one individual I know it is easy to interact with spirits. He is the head of large magical order. Another individual has the same ease in connecting to the inner planes but she has been diagnosed as schizophrenic.

In the first case, the individual's consciousness is sufficiently integrated to utilize his experiences creatively. In the second, the individual's consciousness has been overwhelmed by the disorienting influences of the inner planes to the extent that her behavior is not acceptable to society. Her inner plane contacts has done serious harm to the connection between her mental and astral bodies.

The projecting of your consciousness in some form outside of your body is usually a fairly challenging endeavor for most individuals. Again, it helps to complete some basic training. In the CIA's covert operations involving remote viewing, the military screened millions of individuals and then chose a few who had the highest potential for remote viewing. Some of these individuals had little difficulty performing remote viewing and afterwards returned again to an everyday mode of experience.

Some, however, brought back from their journeys to the inner planes terrible nightmares and acute vulnerabilities---feeling they were subject to psychic attack at unexpected moments. The military is designed to accomplish missions. It is not designed for helping individuals to recover from traumatic experiences. The goal of the CIA is national defense and not individual development. It has no interest in attaining harmony with the universe. For individuals exploring the elemental planes, it is good to keep harmony in mind.

Here are a few tips on the kind of spiritual resources you need for projecting mentally, astrally, or even through daydreaming or imagination into the domain of undines. First, train your consciousness so the link between your mind and your physical senses is very strong. When you use psychic abilities, you basically are turning a sense of perception away from the physical world and using that sense on the inner planes. You need, then, to be able to bring your sensory perception back to the physical world without suffering any distorting effects.

If you are very upset or overwhelmed with feelings, for example, then your senses tend to not operate so well. If you have the feeling that something unknown is attacking you, then you may look at even your best friends and see enemies. The feelings, that is, the astral energy, overwhelms your mind-body connection thereby distorting your interpretation of what is happening to you.

One way to strengthen the mind-body connection is to practice and master the ability to concentrate on each of your five senses. For example, you visualize something and hold that image in your mind for a few minutes up to a half hour without other thoughts disturbing you. This practice enables you to give your full attention to the present moment and to disregard any inner plane influences or disturbances.

Second, it is always helpful to practice with the akasha, that is, the spiritual source of the element you are working on. The divine aspect of the water element involves omnipresent, all-embracing love. This divine aspect gives a sense of being one with the universe and/or one with anything that exists.

If you have this level of consciousness strong, then the extreme magnetic, attractive energies you may encounter in the domain of undines will feel natural and right. They are a form of divine consciousness being expressed in a specific, concrete way. The undine who vibrates within your astral body the feeling of perfect love, absolute peace, or oneness with her or with the sea will not overwhelm you. She will not be able to possess you, enchant you, or leave you feeling lost and desolate when you return to your own daily life.

This is because you can see her as someone you can learn from and get to know better. You see her magical powers as serving a purpose. They do not turn you away from your involvement in your own life activities. Instead, you can see that the undine's mode of love and bonding are something we can use and share between human beings.

Third, studying oceanography or being a marine biologist may help you relate to the sea but it is not going to help you understand undines' emotional make up or magick. To work with undines, it helps to love the water element--rivers, lakes, sea, etc. If you have a profound love of nature, then an undine will perceive you as having a magical authority like there own if not greater. The nature of love is that it is free to join with and become one with anything. In my experience, there is no greater power.

And finally, it is very beneficial to be able to convert your contact with undines into some useful activity--to express it through art, healing, singing, poetry, writing, sculpture, painting, etc. In this way, your activity of self-expression enables you to ground your inner plane contacts in our world so they can be shared with others. Without some form of sharing, an individual may suffer from acute isolation. And when you express or share yourself, your consciousness is greatly expanded. This expansion of consciousness provides integration for your personality. In other words, you discover the value and applications for your inner plane experiences.

The fourth method for contacting undines is similar to that used by a medium, except you do not use your own or a medium's energy and you do not have to sit by a stream, lake, or ocean. You create a charge of watery energy through force of imagination or concentration. For example, you imagine that the room you are in or a large sphere in front of you is charged with a dense vibration of cold, watery energy. Blue-green is a nice color to visualize within this water.

In other words, you imagine that part of the sea and the vibration of the undine's own domain or aura is right there in front of you. Like I say, you make it cold, thick, and wet. And you put into it a love that feels a part of all the oceans of the world, a love that is one with anything that enters this energy field. Then if you call out to an undine, the undine will feel very comfortable coming to associate with you. I can give a box of Godiva chocolate candy to certain people and they are very happy with the gift. There is a sense of gratitude and willingness to talk to me. An energy field vibrating with love and with the sea is like this to an undine.

And of course you can combine these methods in varying degrees at the same time. I often will project my mind into an undine's domain so I am right in front of an undine. I will sense and tune into her world and her aura. And then I will reproduce that watery astral vibration in my room and invite her to come back with me. In the first instance, my senses do not see my room at all. They are focused inward away from the physical world even though my eyes are open. In this example, I imagine my body is hollow and filled with water as if I have become an undine. In the second case when the undine is in my room, my senses are focused on her and are not so clairvoyant because she has a denser vibration and is almost visible.

Fifth method. Speaking of Franz Bardon, he mentions that there is a spirit in the zone of the earth name Granona (relating to 26 degrees Cancer) who teaches individuals how to contact spirits through daydreaming and so forth. Bardon says that you can take up alliances through "diverse visions, no matter whether they occur in trance, during sleep, or in day-dreams; or whether are caused by the help of magic mirrors."

If you write a poem about an undine, a story, a song, or do a painting, you are changing the vibration of your aura to some extent to match that of an undine. If you use a lot of empathy and imagination, you are practicing to some extent to be an undine. It is possible for an undine on the inner planes to then take up a contact with you using inspiration, feelings, intuitions, dream images, etc. to interact with you.

A simple way to do something like this is to write a journal. Every so often make a journey entry as if you are an undine or merman and talk about what you did today. Talk about your dreams, your hopes, your innermost secrets, your desires, your actions, your plans, and so forth. Talk about the things you love, what you notice about other undines and about any human beings who have caught your attention. Talk about the moon, the tides, the waves, the ocean currents, the ice caps, fish, the ocean depths, etc.

You see if you develop your empathy for the sea in this way, then daydreaming and imagination are ready for that magical shift in consciousness. This occurs when you say, "I would like an undine to come and express herself through my voice or share with me her feelings and dreams, to talk to me about herself." What I have just written is absolute nonsense for a great many people. But like I say, and I will asset my own experience on this point, there is no greater power among two hundred billion galaxies than the power of love. If you open your heart and reach out, you are free to join with anything in the universe. There is no restriction or limit on this kind of action.

You do not need to be an initiate of a magical order. You do not need a robe, wand, magic mirror or magic circle. You only need to love. Stick with it. Play with it. Let your imagination be as free, vast, and deep as the sea and undines will find your spirit similar to their own.

Six. A variation on the use of imagination is called dialoguing or the use of active imagination. Perhaps first mentioned by Carl Jung, you take a strong affect or feeling toward something and imaginatively change that feeling into the image of a person with whom you can speak. For example, spend some time meditating on the sea and the life within it. Get a feeling for the waves, the currents, the depths, the temperature changes, the various fish and sea life. Recall your experiences with the sea. Then allow yourself to feel that all that exists within your consciousness in this moment is the sea and its presence.

At this point, you can probably notice some sensations and feeling which arise in your body due to this contemplation. Take those feeling and your sense of the sea and change them into the image of a person, in this case, an undine who embodies what you feel and sense. Play with your imagination until your visual image of the undine feels right. Sometimes you have to work at this and sometimes an image of an undine appears whose presence is fairly powerful, even overwhelming. This feeling of presence or connection is common in using active imagination.

Now talk to the undine. You can be casual or serious, playful, flirtatious, or intense. It all depends on your mood and personality. The process, however, involves two things. You ask real questions and make real comments which feel appropriate to the situation. And you allow the undine, who embodies your subconscious connections to the sea, to reply and interact with you in an independent manner. The power is in the fact that the image represents a part of yourself which is otherwise not directly available to your consciousness. A dialogue with the image of an undine is a dialogue, then, with the depths of yourself and the archetype of the sea.

As in point number five, you can make a shift in your consciousness to interacting with a real undine who is not a projection of your own unconsciousness. Still, a dialogue with an imaginary undine can at times be overwhelmingly in terms of the emotions and sensations which arise. You have to determine for yourself if the undine you are interacting with is imaginative or real. It is possible to build up a constructed image so that it takes on its own life, kind of like an autonomous complex within the psyche or an alternate personality within yourself.

A real undine often has a power and a magical resourcefulness which are far beyond the reach of imagination or normal contemplative exercises. The primary difference between a real undine and an imagined one is that the real undine will always increase your understanding and feeling for the ocean. The undine, after all, is an aspect of the natural world and reveals the secrets of nature. An imagined undine will tend to specialize in your subconscious wishes, hopes, fears, and remain within the boundaries of your imagination.

A further step, if you are up for shapeshifting and projecting consciousness, is to imagine you are within the undine and identical with it. I will often project my mind into an undine so I can look back and see myself through her eyes. This gives me an undines perspective and feeling for what it is like to interact with a human being.

Projecting into another person and imagining you are that person is a basic, straightforward, and simple exercise in psychology. It is sometimes used in counseling as a method and it relates to simple role playing in which you act like another person to get a feeling for what that person is like. I would recommend that everyone become acquainted with the transference of consciousness since it is so useful in magick, telepathy, and offers a direct sense of what another person or spirit is like.

In summary, I am suggesting that in all cases of interacting with undines that you develop your empathy and imagination. Know your experiences with water and the feelings and moods which accompany them. Explore your imagination and test the extent to which you can sense what an undine might feel and how she might perceive. Then you have a basic repertoire of sensations, feelings, and perceptions which you can draw upon to compare any new and original experiences you might have in interacting with an undine.

If you have never thought about what love or friendship is then when you have a intimate relationship with another human being you may not be very quick to insist that your interactions be fair. You haven't thought about the need to be assertive and the possibilities of warm, supportive, but clear commuication. And it may not occur to you that you need to use your imagination and make an effort if you are going to discover what is in your partner's heart. The same is true of undines. You have to make an effort and search the other's heart and spirit if you want a creative and meaningful interaction.