
Welcome to #UbuntuHelp! Ubuntubird

The Ubuntu project is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu philosophy: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language, and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they need.

Getting Help:

A good place to start is Ubuntu Offical documentation site, which is on the firefox default home page, after Ubuntu install. Another great source of help is ubuntu forums, and of course there is always google search. If you did not get an answer from any of the sources listed or if you did not understand the answer you recieved, Ask your question in channel and wait for a response. Since many of the helpers have jobs and/or school, you might have to be patient.

Participate in #UbuntuHelp:

If you want to be a helper and you have experience with Ubuntu, then come to the channel and answer questions. After showing your excellence, you will be given ops.

Common Task

Here is a "how to" guide of common task. The information related to the common task were found on web forms, and in various places within the Ubuntu community.

19 things to do after installing ubuntu   Run Ubuntu from a Flash drive   How to disable Ipv6