The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) in one of the largest Protestant denominations in the country today. Historically, it was the the product of the union of different Protestant denominations which came to the Philippines from the United States during the first part of the 20th century. These denominations include: 

        The Presbyterian Church;
        The Christian Church-Disciples 
        The United Brethren 
        The Congregational Church 
        The Philippine Methodist Church 

These churches have divergent traditions brought into the UCCP - the highly hierarchical episcopal polity of the Methodist and the United Brethren, the presbyterial or collegial polity of the Presbeterian, and the polity of local Church autonomy of the Christian Church-Disciples and the Congregationalist. These divergent traditions which made UNITY IN DIVERSITY as its unique feature in the year 1948 when leaders of each denominations, one in the vision "that they may all be one" delcated themselves as belonging to ONE Church --- the UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST IN THE PHILIPPINES (UCCP).

Davao City Central Church of the UCCP, located along Bonifacio and Pelayo Streets in Davao City. Is one of the over 2000 local churches in the Philippines with a total membership of almost 5,000 faithful believers. It is a member of the Southern Mindanao District Conference (SMDC) and is part of the SouthEast Mindanao Jurisdiction of the Church.