We meant to go all the way to Colorado and then turn back. But instead we went all the way to Washington state and THEN turned back. We blame the floods and tornadoes to the east. We had no other choice. Right??


You Know You've been Traveling Too Much When....

1. States that are far from you, also seem far from the state you're currently in. (ex: "That person from Arizona has gone a long way to Wyoming!")
2. Anything more then $2 is expensive for a meal
3. Waking up and immediatly packing your belongings into the car seems normal
4. Granola bars for breakfast seem normal
5. Never sleeping in the same place for more then one night seems normal
6. Driving in the morning a few hours and driving in the evening a few more hours seems normal


"It's Huge! That's why they call it the Big Cave."
