“UCUMC Mission: Our mission is to love God, love one another, and make disciples for Jesus Christ.”


Rev. Rob Hughes

August 2007

What does it mean to be Methodist? What is unique about our faith tradition and who we are as a denomination within the larger faith community? What do we believe? What don’t we believe? Who is Francis Asbury or Thomas Coke? What was significant about May 24, 1738 or April 1939 or April 23, 1968?

These are all questions that I know have been weighing heavy on your minds. Rest assured that there is hope for your restless longings. Several opportunities will be made available beginning this September to reconnect or really connect for the first time with who we are as the people called Methodists and what that means to us within the larger Wesleyan-Arminian faith tradition. Not only will our High School and Junior High youth be starting a confirmation class in September, the opportunity will also be made available for Adults within our church to discover our rich Wesleyan heritage through a study called “Reconnecting”.

I know that this is a little different than my usual Pastor’s Minute ramblings, but I am truly excited to offer this opportunity to rediscover our roots, (so to speak), and regain the vision and capture the spirit that has long been the foundation (though so often neglected) of our denomination. Wesley himself wrote,

“I do not fear that the people called Methodist should ever cease to exist, either in Europe or America.  I only fear that they should exist as a dead sect, having the form of the religion but denying the power thereof; and that undoubtedly will be the case if they give up the doctrine, discipline, and the spirit with which they set out.”

This will be an opportunity to recapture our heritage through doctrine, discipline and the spirit. The date has not yet been set, but will probably be on Sunday evenings beginning around the middle of September. Expect more information on that soon.

In the mean time, enjoy the remainder of your summer and be sensitive to those opportunities to share the light of Christ with those you meet.

Grace and Peace, The Rev. Rob Hughes

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Special thanks for music go to THE CYBER HYMNAL

O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing

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