Rev. Rob Hughes


June 2005

As I write this, I’m hoping that the warmer weather of summer will finally have arrived to stay few months; I’d settle for at least a few consecutive weeks.

As you read this, we will be about to start or in the process of the 2005 West Michigan Annual Conference, (June 2-5). According to paragraph 601 of our Book of Disciple, “The purpose of the annual conference is to make disciples for Jesus Christ by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church; all to the glory of God.” We gather to humbly and prayerfully work out a shared plan for being about the work of Jesus Christ and to form a unified vision for the future of the United Methodist Church in west Michigan. Please be in prayer during the conference for the members and for the work of the conference. Pray that all gathered will be guided fully by God’s Holy Spirit.

The beginning of June also marks the end of school and kids will be setting out on their adventures with a whole summer vacation ahead of them. I can still remember the feelings of excitement and expectation as a kid with all of the adventures that summer held in store: vacations, camping, swimming, hiking, fishing, golf, softball, picnics and all the other things that we looked forward to. But what I remember most are the family times – like spending the day at the lake or going to the drive-in movies as a family with pops and potato chips and blankets and pillows… What great times those were – what great memories as a kid… But there were lots of other great times – great memories – with my family too.

What is it that you remember? What memories, when they come to mind, make you stop and smile? What family memories take you back to another time – a special time? Summer is a great time for family. It’s a great time to reconnect. It’s a time to practice a little spontaneity and discover some of those family adventures that memories are made of. It really doesn’t matter what you do; it doesn’t have to be expensive or far away. It could be as simple as an evening cookout or getting together to play a favorite board game. You can build from there. Spending time together is what counts; time together as a family. Summer is also a great time to connect as a church family as well. Psalm 68:6 says “God sets the lonely in families.” Our church is part of a connection, but it is also a connection of people; God’s people. Consciously make an effort to spend some time getting to know your brothers and sisters in Christ a little bit better this summer. Grow in Christ; grow in relationship to family and each other. Make memories. Have a great summer.

Grace and Peace, The Rev. Rob Hughes

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