General Joe Wheeler #966, UDC 

The Ladies of the General Joe Wheeler Chapter #966 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy

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The History of the General Joe Wheeler Chapter 966

Organized:  February, 1906, Roswell, New Mexico Territory
Chartered:  March, 1906
Rechartered: 2003, Las Cruces, New Mexico

The following is taken from the Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy held in Gulfport, Mississippi, 14-27 November 1906.  Mrs. Lizzie George Henderson, President-General and Mrs. John P. Hickman, Secretary-General. 

I greet you as the first representative of far away New Mexico, a delegate from the General Joe Wheeler Chapter 966, organized at Roswell in February, 1906, through the efforts of our President, Miss Greenlee.

In March, our chapter secured a charter and held its first regular meeting in April.  We have fifty-three charter members with the prospect of larger growth.  As yet, there has been no work done in the chapter except to have a dinner and a supper to raise funds for expenses, but we are a very enthusiastic body and you may expect to hear from us in the near future.  We hope to soon organize a chapter at Carlsbad so we can have a Territorial Division.  There is already a chapter at Portales.

There is only one delegate from our chapter present instead of two as we had expected.

Respectfully submitted:
Mrs. B. F. Harlow
Recording Secretary, General Joe Wheeler Chapter 966

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