J O U R N A L ::: UFOs? 1996

Dream? Wake up and there's a UFO in the backyard. It hovers just above and to the right of the big Magnolia tree. The ship is small, maybe thirty feet across and gives off an orange glow.
Someone is holding my daughter's hand and walking her underneath it.
I run outside to the patio just in time to see my daughter and a young man sucked up into the ship. I run toward it, but a woman stops me and invites me to sit on the lawn chairs for a chat.

I hesitate. A young black man with an afro smiles and gives a little wave as he exits my house and walks past toward the ship. For some reason I think to myself that he was 'kidnapped' as a child, that somewhere his parents still wait for their missing child, and that he was too young to know, and he doesn't know his Earth family. And it makes me then wonder if there are many children who disappeared under similar circumstances. (Note: I am in no way suggesting that this happens. Losing a child is traumatic and I don't want any parent to feel I'm belittling such a tragedy. This is merely a thought recalled from the event. My heart goes out to any parent who's lost a child in any way.

A blank moment and I'm deep in conversation with the space woman. I'm wearing my nightgown, the air is autumn cool, but comfortable. We're sitting on the patio in lawn chairs and she's got booted feet kicked up on the table.
She seems human, but there are things not human. Her hair is blonde, but very thin so that her scalp shows clearly. Something about her face is ugly, but she is very friendly and exudes an attractivness. She wears a jumpsuit of some sort with a small picture of triangles on the chest. She is older than me, thirties or forties.

We're discussing things, a chance to ask many questions, but can't remember much. I'd asked if they were from the Pliedes and she'd said no, and showed me a mental picture of a star system that made me think of Orion, but she said it wasn't Orion. She'd said something about missing being on Earth, or enjoyed visiting Earth when the chances came. We talked about so much and I just can't recall any of it.

My daughter and the man reappear underneath the ship, and the woman says it's time to go. I tell her it was nice meeting her and thank her for talking to me about all this stuff.

Wake in the morning, nothing unusual.


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