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The Anthropic Principle

P: Odds of universe accidentally forming in a way to make intelligent life possible are slim.
P: But intelligent life exists.
C: The universe was deliberately formed in order to make intelligent life possible.

The Anthropic Principle is a specific way to think about our universe and its existence. The Anthropic Principle was created by Brandon Carter, a theoretical physicist, in 1973. There are numerous forms of the Anthropic Principle, with the most popular being the "strong" and the "weak" principles. The "strong" Anthropic Principle says that the universe had to be created to support life, while the "weak" Anthropic Principle says that we were placed in a specific place within the universe so that life could be supported.

The long process of human evolution was affected by a countless number of circumstances. There are numerous examples in the reading book on the bottom of page 126 and the top of page 127. To think of the odds of you and other humans existing, imagine you are walking down a very long beach, one as long as you can see, and you know there is a grain of salt in the beach somewhere. You reach down to pick up one single particle and it is the one grain of salt. That is like the odds of you and other humans existing.

The example above shows how the "big bang" theory is very unlikely. For something to just appear one day and be able to support life is highly unlikely. This is a less complex version of what the Anthropic Principle is saying. The Anthropic Principle says that the universe we live in, and how it supports life, is so complicated that it could not have happened by chance. Somehow the universe had to be planned and thought out. This is where God shows up. Even though the Anthropic Principle doesn't specifically point to one religion, it does point to a higher being.

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I personally believe that the Anthropic Principle bears a strong argument and supports its beliefs very well. I agree with the principle, because it explained why there is no chance that the universe could supports life and that humans could exist by pure chance.
