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Wonder and Awe
Colorado Wilderness

I traveled to Colorado for the first time a few years ago on vacation my family and friends of the family, the Millers. I was excited to get away from the business of life at home and just relax. It was a long car ride and when we finally got to the house we were staying at, in the middle of the mountains, I was sort of bummed out. I wanted to relax, but at the same time be around civilization and interact with other people. We did leave the house and interact with people but it turned out that the best part was relaxing away from civilization in the nature of the mountains. I liked to sit on a big rock about a hundred feet from the house and look out into the mountains. There were the outlines of huge mountains covered with trees. It seemed like there wasn't a tree out of place and it was unbelievable. I was able to sit, listen and reflect about how something like the beauty of the mountains was possible.

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I stared out into the mountainous region full of trees and was in a state of "wonder and awe." How could so many trees be together in one spot? Why are the trees on the mountain and not on the plains below? Why do trees on a mountain look so beautiful? These are all questions I asked myself while sitting on the rock in the Colorado mountains. I didn't think about the things that were going on around me or back home. I only thought about the mountains. I was in shock because I knew that trees took a long time to grow, so I knew that it must have taken what seems like more than a life time, for all the trees to grow. The image of the mountains being almost never-ending overcame me. It was as if, at that particular moment in time, the only things that existed were me, the trees, the mountains, and God. Not only did the trees take a long time to develop but they grew from a seed that will fit in the palm of my hand. Even though they might start off as a small object, they grow to be a humongous phenomenon. How could a thing so small become a thing that supports the life of me? This was one question that kept repeating in my head as I reflected. It came to me from my original thoughts about the trees and mountains and although I know that I might never fully understand the answer, I know one thing...It is because of God!

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