Universal Infrared Receiver
Interface Protocol

Serial settings

The settings of the serial port must be 9600 Baud, 1 stop bit, no parity and no flow-control.


The device is powered up by setting RTS and DTR high on the host. After a few milliseconds the microcontroller is up and running.
During powerup the output pins of the microcontroller are not yet stable. This gives some garbage on the RXD line of the host. So clear the input fifo on the host, a few milliseconds after setting RTS and DTR high.

Next the host must send a character 'I' and a character 'R' with at least a 500 microsecond delay in between.

The microntroller responds with sending the characters 'O' and 'K'.

Now the initialization is done and the microcontroller will start sending decoded infrared-trains to the host from this point on.

Receiving Remote Keypresses

Once the device is initialized, the microcontroller sends 6 bytes to the host, every time a decodable infrared pulsetrain comes in from the infrared receiver. These 6 bytes are pseudorandom, but constant for every specific key on a remote.

