<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/uk_rudeboyz//babyYr1.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

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So tell me little bit about yourself :

How long you used chat programs for then?> I have used chat programs since July 98

Are you bi/gay/straight?> Straight I think :)

Are you educated?> Nope ,never been to skool :)

What do you do for a living ?>I am a burglar & was thinking of paying you a vist ,but in my spare time I am associated with electronics/computers.

Whats your name ?>I use my middle name ,same has 1 of the Beatles, you know the 1 with a famous designer daughter,also name of a apostle...begins with ..P..

Whats your star sign & do you believe in astrology?>I am Cancerian & I believe in astrology,well you can work my birthday out from the little box.

Have you always lived in England?>Nope I have lived in south east asia when I was younger with my mum for over a year,but I also spent a great deal of time in Germany,Stuttgart mainly with a uncle & I loved it there.

Have you travelled ?>Sure was bit of Christopher Columbus & Marco Polo at 1 time,visted many fine places all of central europe & asia been conqured,lately enjoying my time in simple old Britannia.

Where do you want to vist most?>Well I not heading off to the north pole just yet,but America has to come on my list 1 time or another.

What colour are your eyes & hair?>I have hazel eyes :) & spikey black hair from time to time I let it grow & sweep it back .

How tall are you?> Well on my knees I am honestly over 3ft ,but if I stand up I am under 6ft .

Wheres your picture then?>Its in your <3 or is it locked away in the password vault?

How many siblings do you have ?>There are 5 of us , 3 brothers & 2 younger sisters,could have done with more & had our own football team.

Are you married?>Nope not yet ,but my mother & my youngest sister always telling me I should settle down (dont they always).

Do you drink,smoke womanize?>Well I am not a monk who lives in the monestary,so I have been dabbling with all the vices put on this earth.

What is your favorite drink?>I enjoy Guinness in the pub ,if I have lager it be Stella or Kronberg,a drop of Barcardi with coke & a wee dram of Scotch, so I am like fish when I drink.

How do you like to relax?>Just like you ,socalize with people,chat to strangers on here,watch bit of tv or listen to a few choonz.

Whats your favorite films?>I enjoyed the Omen parts I & II,The God Father part I & II,Scarface,Gladiator,The Fugitive,Dumb & Dumber great also,mostly action or suspense films.

Whats your favorite tv shows?>Fan of SouthPark, The Sopranos,maybe a few British soaps now & then.

Whats your music taste?>I am big fan of pipe music & banjo music (you for real ),well my taste is varied & I apprciate it all .

Do you like to read ?>Yes I try to read the magazines discarded in the local park but pages seem to be glued together :)(ewww),not really a fan of books ,mostly newspapers or monthly magazines (no not porno),mostly electronic high tech gadget based.

What sports do you follow?>I try to watch female mud wrestling or dwarfs boxing but sadly not enough of it on :(,so I stick with football & cricket .

Do you play any ?>Yes I like team sports & enjoy football & cricket.

Do you eat meat & fish ?>I like to eat chicken ,lamb ,beef now & then (dont want to go mad do I),like cod mainly also.

What type of food do you prefer?>I enjoy mostly spicey food & pasta now & then.

Can you cook & what do you prefer to conjour up ?>Oh of course I can cook,like to make pasta based dishes & BBQ

Whats your favorite colour?>Blue :)

What type of clothes do you wear?>Mostly smart casuals,anything decent & warm.

Do you like animals ?>Yes I am animal lover now ,but when I was younger ,not so kind :(

What type of animals do you own?>I have 1 boistorous ex-Police German Shep dog ,he gets on well with me & my dad but has bitten my brother,this is my 3rd dog & I have had a cat before.

Are you a religous type of person?>Yes I believe in God,but I am not a fanatical believer.

What do you most want to see?>I want to see world peace & hope the middle east conflict is sorted out,& I hope the polar caps dont melt & drown the penguins & seals.

Are you a sarcastic person ?>Who me ,never , you do know I fell from heaven to brighten up your life:).

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