

Let's begin by a quote from PJ O-Rourke:
"Politicians are wonderful people as long as they stay away from things they don't understand, such as working for a living"

It's that action packed moment yet again, the forthcoming General Election. Personally I can't wait, just fax the result to me, I'll be in the Maldives for a spot of sheep worrying!
In a recent interview with the web site owner, John X, a few trinkets of information were noted:

Would you describe yourself as politically active?
- Naw, I'm not that organised.
So, you're an Anarchist?
- Not that chaotic.
A Socialist?
- Anything to do with champagne?
A Democrat?
- Huh, too american.
A Communist?
- Too fascistic.
So what about the right end of the spectrum?
- There is no end, as it's a complete circle.
So will you be voting for the 'No Candidate Deserves My Vote' Party?
My vote should not concern anyone.
As a lot of money is going to be spent by all the parties to encourage people to vote for them. Do you think they'll achieve the desired effect?
Not really. If they really want the people to vote for them, they would get more of a positive result by giving the money directly to the people and not to the Ad agencies. I'm not aversed to a bit of bribery. I could have been a politician you know!
Do you believe in anything?
- Of course.
Well, what is it?
- That would be telling.
And is there a crime in that?
- Nope
- ...Sorry, think I've lost the plot. Now where were we.

As you here, why not try a link or three:-

Dedicated to Hildy Johnson