Community and Family Histories
of Ukrainians in Canada

Christmas comes but twice a year, so does Easter, mostly. (Myroslaw Lomatski)

This site will expire soon - please go to -

This site is contributed to by members of the Ukrainian community at large and the InfoUkes Genealogy List ( who are willing to do lookups of family names from the local histories of various settlements in Canada. Please eMail your requests directly to them. Where more than one person is listed, eMail to only one person. Please mention the publication you are referring to and this page, so that the person knows the source you are interested in. As a courtesy, you should mention your name and where you are located, so that you can be directed to sources in your area.

NEW !! Some of the books listed, will have active links. This will allow you to view and/or download images of the index of the book. Advantages being that you will be able to determine if the name you are researching is listed there (thereby saving time for both yourself and the person willing to do the lookups), and you may also come across another family name that you were not aware of. NEW !!

If you have a family web site, and would like us to link to it, please send your URL and a blurb. (A blurb is a short write-up of about 5 lines. In this case it should include the main names, the areas of Ukraine from where your ancestors came from as well as where in Canada they settled.)

If you have any family or community histories, or any other materials related to Ukrainian genealogy (such as materials from Ukraine and the Austro-Hungarian, Polish, German and Russian occupations) and are willing to do lookups, please contact me.

Alberta (AB)

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The Alberta Gen Web Site has a "Local History Book Project" at; There are more than 240 local history book indexes online. There are also cemetery listings, etc in the archives of various counties that would be of interest to Ukrainian researchers. A search engine is available from the main GenWeb site URL that allows for ease of searching.

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Andrew and District: Dreams & Destinies
Bill Watamaniuk

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Bellis: Bellis History
Bill Watamaniuk

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Bruderheim - From Bush to Bushells - A History of Bruderheim and District
Stella Stranger

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Chipman - Pride in Progress - Chipman - St Michael - Edna/Star Districts
Stella Stranger

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Elk Point and District - Reflections - A History of
Elk Point and District - Reflections - A History of - 1977 Supplement
Elaine Kalynchuk

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Falun: Freeway West
Bill Watamaniuk

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Frog Lakeand District to 1976 - Land of Red and White
Elaine Kalynchuk

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Innisfree and District: Through the Years - A History of Innisfree and District
Stella Stranger

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LandonvilleTrails - A History of Landonville and Surrounding Districts
Elaine Kalynchuk

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LandonvilleCemetery, in Landonville, Alberta. Site contains an alphabetical list of burials as well as monumental inscriptions for all visable headstones. This cemetery includes many Ukranian names.

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Mannville: "Trails to Mannville and Districts"
Angie Telepenko

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Mundare - Memories of Mundare - The History of Mundare and District
Stella Stanger

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Mundare - Family history for CHMILAR, FERLEYKO, GOLINOWSKI, HORYN, LESIUK, OSINCHUK, PANYLYK, ROMANOWSKA, TRACH primarily from Mundare (Lamont county) and some from Two Hills county. Includes homesteads, shiplists, maps and research resources. Memories of Mundare family history is also on a family tree maker database and I will do look-ups for families from this area.
Muffy Chmilaralso

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Proof-of-Age Documents in Alberta - A Surname Index 1863 to 1969, compiled by Documentary Heritage Society of Alberta, 1998
Elaine Kalynchuk

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Redwater and District - Memories, compiled by Audrey Hrynchuk and Jean Klufas, 1980
Sonia van Heerden

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Shadows of the Past by Bohdan I Shulakewych (Ukrainian residents in St. Michael's Extended Care Centre, Edmonton
Rita Chernoff

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Smoky Lake: Our Legacy
Bill Watamaniuk
Brian Grandish

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Two Hills - Down Memory Trails, A History of Two Hills & Surrounding Area, 1986, Two Hills Historical Society of Alberta
Shirley M. Smith

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Ukrainians in Alberta (Dictionary of), Pioneer Settlers of Alberta 1891 - 1900, Volume II, compiled by Ukrainian Pioneers Association of Alberta, 1981
Elaine Kalynchuk
Rita Chernoff

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Ukrainian Pioneers in Alberta - Land of Pain - Land of Promise
First Person accounts by Ukrainian Pioneers 1891- 1914
Stella Stranger

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Vermilion Memories - Volumes I and II
Elaine Kalynchuk

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Vilna and District: Voices of Yesteryear
Bill Watamaniuk
Stella Stanger

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Wandering River: Wandering River History
Bill Watamaniuk

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Warspite and area history: Between River and Lake
Brian Grandish

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Waskatenau and District - By River and Trail
Shauna Skoreiko

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Wetaskiwin, AB - Pioneer Pathways
Bill Watamaniuk

Canada (CA)

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75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Rite Redemptorists 1906-1981 edited by Dr. Don Lukie, C.Ss.R.
Rita Chernoff

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"Appendix A" Index of Names to Sailing Lists Prepared by V.J. Kaye of Ukrainian Settlers Arriving in Canada at the Ports of Quebec and Halifax, 1891-1900 This listing gives the names of immigrants, the notebook and page numbers of his original book, year of arrival and if a card was prepared. No destination given. However, please specify the province that the ancestors settled in and first names so that other sources might be cross referenced.
Ted Lomatski

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A Delicate and Difficult Question, Document in the History of Ukrainians in Canada 1899-1962, by Bohdan Kordan and Lubomyr Luciuk, 1986.
Sonia van Heerden

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Dictionary of Ukrainian Canadian Biography of Pioneer Settlers of Alberta 1891-1900, compiled by Vladimir J. Kaye, published by Ukrainian Pioneers' Association of Alberta, 1984
Sonia Van Heeden
Bill Watamaniuk
Stella Stanger
Elaine Kalynchuk

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Dictionary of Ukrainian Surnames in Canada: F. Bogdan
Bill Watamaniuk

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Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada 1895 -1900, Dr. Josef Oleskow's Role
in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest by Vladimir J. Kaye Elaine Kalynchuk ?subject=Community/Family

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EAST EUROPEAN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETYMost popular EEGS current areas: Galicia including east Galicia (Ukraine) and west Galicia (Poland) followed by Volhynia and Bukovina. Popular EEGS pre-WWI areas: Austro-Hungarian Empire (Bohemia, Bukovina, Galicia, Hungary, Moravia), German Empire (East Prussia, Posen, Silesia, West Prussia), Russian Empire (Bessarabia, Congress Poland, Ekaterinoslav, Grodno, Kherson, Kiev, Volhynia), and Romania. Popular EEGS Current countries: Austria, Belorus, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine. Popular EEGS Ethnic groups: German, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Jewish, Mennonite, Romanian. Popular EEGS Religions: Roman and Greek Catholic, Lutheran, Judaic, Mennonite, Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox, Bohemian / Moravian Brethren. A name and place index is a major feature of this website.

{short description of image}UA (Ukraine - the country code is based on Ukraiina - the latin script name)
Galician Villagers and the Ukrainian National Movement in the Nineteenth Century by John-Paul Himka
Rita Chernoff

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Immigration Records - Canada - 1925 - 1935 - online database from the National Archives of Canada. Once you find the information on the database, you can then access the microfilm at the archives or have your local library do an interlibrary loan for you. Home Page) Records)

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Selective Bibliography on THE UKRAINIANS IN CANADA

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Ukrainian Canadian, Eh?
The Ukrainians of Canada and Elsewhere as Perceived by Themselves and Others, Michael Czuboka, 1983
Ted Lomatski

Warsaw Death Ring 1939-1945 by Wladyslaw Bartoszewski
Rita Chernoff

Manitoba (MB)

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Cooks Creek - St. Michaels Roman Catholic Church Jubiliee 1899 - 1999, Published by the  St. Michaels Roman Catholic Church in 1999. 
Lisa Haji Abbasi <

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Dictionary of Ukrainian Canadian Biography of Pioneer Settlers of Manitoba 1891 -1900,.by Dr. V.J. Kaye
Bill Watamaniuk
Rita Chernoff

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Garson -
Then and Now
Lisa Haji Abbasi <>

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Gimli - Spruce, Swamp and Stone, A History of the Pioneer Ukrainian Settlements in the Gimli Area, by Michael Ewanchuk
Karen Sinotte

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Grandview & District, Pioneers of, 1976,
Margaret Clause

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The Kulbabas: From Skalat to Sand Hill - by Edward Lomatski ISBN 0-9681813-0-9 published 1997.02.22 - over 900 individuals descended from the original two Kulbaba families from Kam'ianky, Skalat, Ternopil and settling at Sand Hill, RM of Brokenhead, Manitoba - listed at
Ted Lomatski

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Manitoba Cemetery Transciptions for lookup:

RM of Brokenhead
Sand Hill Greek Orthodox Cemetery,, Transcribed 1990
Ladywood Cemetery, St Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic, Transcribed 1987
Tyndall, St Michael's & the Angels Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, Transcribed 1993
Tyndall, Greek Orthodox Cemetery, Transcribed 1993
Ted Lomatski

St. Vladimir Greek Orthodox Cemetery
Tyndall Roman Catholic Cemetery
Tyndall Greek Orthodox Cemetery
Tyndall St. Michaels & All Angels UC Cemetery
Beausejour St. Joseph Polish National Catholic Cemetery
Beausejour St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Beausejour Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
Garson Cemetery
Garson Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemetery
Lorne Hill Road Ukrainian National Cemetery
Brokenhead Holy Trinity Greek Catholic Cemetery
Sandhill Greek Catholic Orthodox Cemetery
Lisa Haji Abbasi <

RM of Springfield
Cook Creek St. Michaels RC Cemetery (New and Old)
Sapton St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
Sapton St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
Eastdale Catholic Cemetery (Shared RC & UC)
Cook's Creek Immaculate Conception UC Cemetery
Cook's Creek St. John the Baptist UC Cemetery
Millbrook Cemetery
Monominto Cemetery
Queen's Valley Cemetery

West St. Paul "Old and New" Holy Ghost Catholic Cemetery
Lisa Haji Abbasi <

Meleb, Manitoba Cemetery, Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Ruthenian Catholic, Transcribed 1992
Karen Sinotte

RM of Franklin, Manitoba
Tolstoi Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
Tolstoi Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
Plankey Plains Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery
Linda Huckell

Gardenton, Manitoba
former churchyard of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church from vol. l, no. l of The East European Genealogist, Sept. 1992
Linda Huckell

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Manitoba Genealogical Society
has for sale transcipts of over 1400 cemeteries in the province and have posted those which they have made available for sale to their webpage at

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Manitoba: Land of Pain - Land of Promise - 1891 - 1914. Also contains some entries on SK and AB
Lynne Oltsher (Harasymyk)

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Meleb - MPC Flashbacks, Edited by Anne C. Yanchyshyn. Provides local family history of the Meleb, Manitoba area
Karen Sinotte   

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Springfield: The First Rural Municipality in Manitoba 1873-1973, Published by the Dugald Women's Institute in 1974.
Lisa Haji Abbasi <>

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Springfield: Cummins Maps 1918 & 1923 - for those not familiar with the Cummins Maps - they show details of who was on what 1/4 section at the time.  They are available at the Library and Archives of Canada and the various provincial archives for Canada West.  It is an excellent reference to find the 1/4 section prior to contacting the provincial land titles as they require the description.  This also shows who the neighbours were.
Lisa Haji Abbasi <>

Saskatchewan (SK)

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"Saskatchewan's Ukrainian Legacy: A travel guide to the cultural and historical sites in the Ukrainian bloc settlement communities."
It's available as a PDF file at A Gronlid-area Orthodox church was omitted from the publication.

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As the Carrot Flows a Story Told (Includes Fairy Glen District)
NE Saskatchewan Peter J. Tomashewski

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Foam Lake, SK - They Came from Many Lands
Rita Chernoff

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Our Courageous Pioneers: History of Gronlid and Surrounding Districts of Argus, Athol, Edenbridge, Freedom, Maryville, Murphy Creek, Sandhill Creek, Taelman, Taras, and Teddington. NE Saskatchewan
Peter J. Tomashewski
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Reunion 1995 (includes Brooksby, Edenbridge, Irvington, and Willow Valley) NE Saskatchewan
Peter J. Tomashewski
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Rosthern, SK - Old & New Furrows
Rita Chernoff

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Theodore, SK - Theodore & District History
Rita Chernoff

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Ukrainian Catholic Churches in Saskatchewanby Anna Maria Baran
Rita Chernoff

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Wolverine, RM of, SK - Wolverine, Humboldt, Burr, etc. - publish abt 1989.
Liz Bay

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Wood Mountain, SK - They Came to Wood Mountain
Bill Watamaniuk

Links to Genealogy & Ukrainian Genealogy / History Sites go to:

Ukrainian Genealogy Group - National Capital Region - has several links of interest to genealogists as well as some "how-to" documents with resources for Ukrainian researchers (and others) that can be downloaded.

Ukrainian Customs and Culture

  • Velykyi Tyzhden' - Ukrainian Easter Week
  • Family Histories (these links will be update shortly)

    Additions, corrections, suggestions and links are all welcome!

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