About Me

Most of you reading this, already know about me. For those of you who don't, my name is Paul Hammond. I'm 34years old. I'm from England and until recently I have been teaching English in Tokyo.
Together with my wife, Noriko, we are about to start a new life back in England. It won't be the first time we've experienced the excitement and the challenge of starting afresh in a new country. Personally, I have been living and working abroad since the age of nineteen. Countries I have lived in, include; Israel, Egypt, Australia, Thailand, Lithuania, India and Japan. The jobs I have done during the course of my travels have ranged from organizing self-sufficiency projects for villagers in Northern India to cleaning out chicken houses in Israel.

My wife and I in Thailand

I met Noriko on a stretch of 'No mans land' in the desert between Israel and Egypt. It was on New years Eve 1993 and she had been working for the last few months on a kibbutz near Tel Aviv. I was doing some construction work down in the Gulf city of Eilat, and after working over Christmas I decided,

told her in my best (and only) Japanese, how beautiful she was. Covered in desert grime and tired from travelling, she must have thought I was being facetious because we soon went our separate ways. However, we met again in Dahab and this time it must have been fate because since then we've been together.

along with some Swedish friends, to head for Dahab on the Sinai peninsula to spend New Year. On a 1km stretch of dusty road between border checkpoints, I

My Students

A thumnailed selection of all the students and staff who I would like to thank for everything. Please stay in touch.

My Friends

For people who travel, it is very easy to lose touch. Let's try not to.
That is my main purpose for making this homepage,

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