Welcome to the UK Writing Page!

This page is designed for all budding authors who would like to have their work published on the internet. Any writers with high quality, original stories can send them to ukwriting@hotmail.com and if they are of a reasonable standard they may be printed here.

The stories may be in any genre but ideally should be less than 8000 words. Stories should be sent in the body of an e-mail, and should be double-spaced with no indents. Authors should send their contact details with their story, and state which (if any) contact details they would like to have displayed with their story.

UK Writing is a free, independent service, run by writers for writers. We will not ask for any copyrights, but simply the right to print an author's work on the internet. Although UK Writing is based in the United Kingdom, we welcome entries from anywhere in the world (provided they are in English). Authors may have their contact details published with any story which is selected for printing. An author may withdraw his/her work from this website at any time by giving notice by e-mail.

There are plans to arrange regular writing contests from this site. Please e-mail for further information.

Email UK Writing at ukwriting@yahoo.com


Submissions are below. You too could have your stories printed here:

'The man-eater' by M(comedy drama)
'The Telephone' by M(drama)