Sestet from the

by Scott Farrell

(Enter a lifeboat, bearing seven passengers. CAPTAIN BEANO disembarks first, followed by LADY FOXWOOD, GENERAL CONSTERNATION, MR ADAMS, BERTHA & MARGARET.
SIR BOTTOMSUP remains in the boat, presently unconscious.)

Captain: Here upon this sunny shore-
We shall rest our rowing oar.
General: We are all of us so wet.
We are shipwrecked I would bet.
Foxwood: You should show the Lord some thanks.
Margaret: We might have gone under with our banks.
Adam: I shall never sail again.
To an island we have come.
To an island we have come.
All: But if we don't make it out,
It won't do us good to shout.
We'll never never never never never be seen again!
But if we don't make it out,
It won't do us good to shout
We'll never never never never never be seen again!

We will never never never never ne'er be seen again!

Captain: Neither Captain Beano on this shore,
The ocean I shall ne'er cross o'er.
General: Nor his General from England, true.
Foxwood: You should add the Captain's woman, too.
Margaret: I will travel never more.
Adam: Well at least we're all alive.
The seven of us did survive.
The seven of us did survive.
All: But if we don't make it out,
It won't do us good to shout.
We'll never never never never never be seen again!
But if we don't make it out,
It won't do us good to shout
We'll never never never never never be seen again!

We will never never never never ne'er be seen again!