
As sole author of this site, I, WokJai the First, hereby reserve any and all rights to add, change or remove anything on this website (http://www.oocities.org/ulb.geo/) in any way that I see fit.

All content (code, images, text, etc) used within this site, unless stated, is the work of the author (that's me). Permission MUST be obtained from me first if you wish to use any of the content. For work produced by others, I can ask for their permission on your behalf provided you let me know.

The visitor also agrees that any and all forms of information stated here, be it text or other media, are meant to reflect the opinion of the author of this site, that is I, WokJai the First (betcha you're getting pretty sick of this WokJai the First business by now) unless I have stated clearly and explicitly in no uncertain terms that the information presented is fact and not opinion.

Any visitor who breaches the conditions stated in this Disclaimer shall burn forever in the virtual fires of cyber Hell. You'll also get a sound beating from me if I ever find you. Have a nice day.