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FINISHER-------------------------------FLYING FOREARM

BIOGRAPHY---------------------------- " I really like this kid, he really gets me going" - these were the exact words used by Terence Optimus when describing one of the hottest prospects the world of professional wrestling has ever seen - the one, the only, Bazz.

The son of a pig farmer in the back country waters of Australia, Bazz grew up wrestling his fathers pigs and other farmyard animals. However, tragedy struck, when Porky Chop Chop (Bazz's favourite pig), got locked in an armbar and lost a limb. Bazz was distraught when he saw his family chomping on bacon sandwiches the next morning. After several years of coping with this family disaster, Bazz continued on the road to superstardom by wrestling in AMW (Australian Maniac Wrestling) in some of the worst arenas that the land down-under could offer.

Bazz had to leave OZ, when he picked on the wrong guy; Steve "I fight deadly snakes" Irwin. Bazz was immediately signed to the UCW talent roster ,where under the control of wrestling great: Billy Bathrobe, Bazz ascended the ladder to stardom.

He made his debut at Vindication where he was victorious in a full-blooded triple-threat match. Look out for Bazz to be around at the top for a long, long time - "He's here in UCW.... to kick some ass!!"