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Well folks, Vindication has come and gone and what an event it was. There are a few notes off that event to start us off in this edition of "Lays it on the Line".

The Diceman suffered very sore and damaged ribs after a death defying fall from the top of the 20 ft ladder to the hard ground. He has been to the local medical facility and is now healing up nicely. But the mental scars of defeat will take a lot longer to heal over.

The Flatliner lost the career ending match so it looks like we have seen the end of him. He made sure Arkensaw knew how he felt about him before departing by beating on Arkensaw and leaving him battered and bloodied at the end of Vindication. Arkensaw has been reported to have been searching for Flatliner to seek revenge outside of UCW but Flatliner seems to have disappeared into thin air.  Will Arkensaw try to somehow bring Flatliner back for one final confrontation? Or will he just have to accept that Flatliner got the last laugh.

Bazz made a very impressive debut in my opinion. Winning the triple threat match with argueably the greatest high flying moves ever seen here. If this man can stay injury free I see no reason as to why he cannot challenge for the title within a year. The flying forearm looks like it could take out a Rhino.

Duke Kensington may have upset a few wrestlers back stage. Apparently Duke claims he has no decent opposition here in UCW after he has continually beaten man after man. He is also reported to have said that if no one steps up to the plate then he may leave UCW altogether to head to the WWF which would lead to a great loss of revenue to UCW as he is the main crowd attraction. In my opinion Duke needs to answer this question  - if  he is so great then why is Arkensaw the champion?

Following on from last months report, Playgirl has completed a photo shoot of The Underplamer with the magazine set to hit the shops in a few months. When Danny Zuco, who had a preview copy of the magazine showed it to the dead man to see what he thought of how the final photo collaboration looked, The Underpalmer was seen to be shocked, shouting "NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!". May make for some good reading.

It was great to see Goose "The Binman" Friday in action at Vindication. Rumour had it that he may not have even shown for the event. But he seems to be back in top shape and if he can keep his mental attitude in the proper standing I see him challenging for honours within months.

Tony Balboa, apparently delighted to see the back of the Flatliner, has given Skunk and Seven a 5% wage increase as they were the first two people he met after watching Flatliner leave the company. Looks like Seven is going to get those new pair of shoes after all. But is Balboa trying to buy Skunk and Sevens alliance by waving cash in their faces? What use does he have for them?

Diceman is nearly finished filming the next Starwars. Has to wait for his injuries to heal before he can film that last shot of the EWOKS doing their naked dance around the fire.

Cal Freeway may be making his debut at the next main event. He has impressed many down in DPW (Dwarf Pixey Wrestling) and Balboa has offered him a full contract at UCW. Freeway is known to wrestle stiff when he doesn't get his own way but that attitude will have to change in UCW or he might find himself waking up in hospital when he picks on the wrong guy. Chuck Thunder and Skeeter Rockwell are not far behind him in joining UCW.

The Orlando Promotion Tour starts later this month and it is already surrounded in contraversey! Rumour has it that Johnny Arkensaw has been banned from attending by Tony Balboa. No one knows exactly why but can the tour be successful without who was once the company's top heel? Yeah - it probably can. Although many fans are sure to be disappointed in not getting to meet this top star and new fan favourite.

Rumours that the dispatch of Terrance's Table Salt to Florida contains sulphuric acid are nothing but malicious. Keep on buying that Salt up folks. Remember, a chip is not a chip without some Terrance Table Salt.

That's all for this session, keep well and enjoy life.

Terence Optimus
Terence "Lays it on the Line"