NPC Job Index
As you progress through the game, you'll come across several characters that start out as NPCs (Non-Player-Characters) who later join your troops as a full-fledged party member. They all have special job classes that cannot be earned normally; which is a good reason to hang on to these characters in the first place. All of these jobs are extremely valuable and powerful... don't let these characters die.
Squire (Ramza)
Holy Knight (Agrias)
Engineer (Mustadio)
Heaven/Hell Knight (Rafa/Malak)
Divine Knight (Meliadoul)
Holy Swordsman (Orlandu, a.k.a. T.G. Cid)
Temple Knight (Beowulf)
Holy Dragon (Reis)
Steel Worker (Worker 8)
Dragoner (Reis)
Solider (Cloud Strife)
*Character information provided by Prima's Official Final Fantasy Tactics Strategy Guide