Rikku is Yuna's cousin and an Al Bhed. The Al Bhed are a race of people in Spira who speak a differnent language, which can be deciphered by finding all of the Al Bhed Primers. Rikku was one of Yuna's guardians in the fight against Sing and helped her in bringing about the Eternal Calm. Now that Yuna has left her village in search of fun and adventure, Rikku is dedicated to helping her cousing find excitement, even at the risk of getting into trouble!

Rikku's Special Dress Sphere

With Rikku's Machina Maw special Dress sphere you control Machina Maw, Smasher-R, and Crusher-L. With The Machina Maw you can do things such as attack or revive a KO'd character. With Smasher-R you have both healing and damage inflicting abilities as well. Such as HP Repair, or Howizter. Crusher-L is more or less the same with some slight adjustments such as inflicting darkness or silence on an enemy and stuff like that.