





  Hack Search



(02-21-01) Hey guys.. Sorry I have not updated in a very long time.. We haven't found anyone that has a good enough hack to trade for IronMan yet :)  I am gonna add some little hacks to the section today! ALSO- Do you play Diablo II? If you do go to my new Diablo II page!! Click here!              Updated: Hacks, Lamers, Links, Files...

(01-27-01) Hey, Another update today... There has been a lot of fighting going on in the forum... There is going to be a game with teams being: Me, Akrylyk VS. Psyko and someone of his choice hacks all being allowed.. we will see who's hacks are real then.. I will put a picture on here showing who the winners are.. So I guess there will be a pic of me and Akrylyk up here soon ;)... ALSO Please visit Akrylyk's Site it is getting better each day and I suggest you check it out... -Click Here-
(01-27-01) Hey, I have made a section devoted to Rare Hack Searches so you can search for them here instead of on yahoo, or any other popular search... Click Here... to do a hack search on my new search Engine.. L8er, ULTIMATE WARCRAFT
(01-23-01) Uploaded More Hacks- And also I made a hack with a lot of help from Akrylyk- It is called "The Unknowns" It is about like the IronMan but I did some of the hexing on this one and it looks pretty sweet :) So its up for trade... That's about all I have to say.. ULTIMATEWARCRAFT
(01-22-01) Hey, just wanted to do a late night update.. I am getting pissed that some people think I am a jerk or whatever since I have you sign up for sponsors.. I wouldn't have you do it if you would voluntarily but you won't so I have to do a force sign-up policy.. Sorry but I enjoy getting something out of my time put into the site (money) And look guys I appreciate it! I am adding all my hacks I have on my computer right now except my rare trading hacks. HAVE FUN-  I WILL have the BIGGEST collection of Warcraft files GUARANTEED just give me a few days to add them all to the site- Thanks- Your #1 WC site- ULTIMATE WARCRAFT
(01-21-01) Hey- Here is a screenshot of the hack that Me and Akrylyk made- CLICK HERE - If you want to trade with us, contact me at, ultimatewarcraft@hotmail.com. We only want RARE hacks, and you must send first since we have already given you proof of our hack...
(01-20-01) Hey guyz, Not too much going on, me and Akrylyk are making a hack called IronMan, it is awesome, It has the build hack, disconnect, Full Map, Upgrades, and A lot of fake names! BUT, we are NOT posting it. We will only give it to those who can give us a rare hack... l8er- ULTIMATEWARCRAFT
(01-19-01) Hey, Wassup? I put the site of the week at the bottom of the page in its own special area.. If you would like me to see your site post it in the forum and put a banner that you would like me to use on your site also.. I will look at many site.. Right now i plan to put Akrylyk.cjb.net on the next site of the week, then TotalWarcraft.cjb.net... ULTIMATEWARCRAFT
(01-18-01) Hello, I have put the new layout up on the site today, does everyone like it? Hope so... I am going to take the site of the week and stick it at the bottom so it wont look like who ever has there  banner in there won't look like my sites name.. understand? got to go, ULTIMATEWARCRAFT
(01-16-01) I made yet another Ultimate warcraft Layout.. is it better then the rest? lets hope so... now i feel like i have to make the starcraft site go along with this theme too.. by the way i CAN NOT get the starcraft site to load my bordering pictures.. very disappointing... i am still trying to solve that minor problem.. i'll go now... l8er- ultimate warcraft
(01-07-01) I bought PhotoImpact and am working on the new layout for the soon to come UltimateStarcraft site.. Click Here To see a picture of the starcraft Layout! ALSO- I can not get the .com name I wanted for ultimatestarcraft so I am going to go with .net is that cool with everyone?? I will be buying them probably @ the end of this month... sound good? ok.. I need to keep working on the Graphics so I'll go now... -ULTIMATE WARCRAFT-
(1-06-01) Ok, I am working on the Starcraft site that I will have up soon which will be ultimatestarcraft.cjb.net or I may buy a .com name, and If I do buy a .com name I will also buy a .com name for UltimateWarcraft. I think we pretty much have our poser problem solved huh? All you have to do Is sign up for the message board and then your name will be in italics and then no one will be able to imitate you...  I am planning on buying PhotoImpact today if I get a sponsor check.. The program costs about 90 dollars so... It is all coming out of the sites account. I  really really appreciate you guys advertising my site and just spreading the word around. It gets me a lot of hits on my site and many hits on my sponsors! I am starting to make a pretty good amount of money.. But Not a lot.. I am just very grateful that you are signing up for my sponsors. I'll stop going on and on now and work on the starcraft site. I'll talk to you all later- bye.. -ULTIMATEWARCRAFT- Plz join a sponsor!! Click here to help me out and join a sponsor!
(12-31-00) Yeah New Years Eve- What are you guys doing home reading this?? Get out there and have some fun! Well I am looking for a good forum now since everyone imitates each other like little kids. I got my ftp thing to start working again. I am going to buy PhotoImpact here soon and make a starcraft site... Sound good? I will keep them both up to date as much as possible. It will have around the same look as this one did so it will look good! I am looking in to the hack situation... There are a lot of good ones in the process right now that I can't wait till they are done. Like that Infinite Manna one that will be awesome!! Well I gotta get off the comp and go somewhere... L8er. Ultimate Warcraft!
(12-23-00) The Backstabber 2001 has now been released, I will be having it on my site as soon as I can get it to work for me- I am searching all over the web lately looking for some hidden hacks... not too many have shown up but I think I might have gotten one or two here and there and when I test them all out and scan for viruses and everything I will try to put them online- FrontPage 2000- Has not been to cooperative lately and That is Why it has taken me a while to update a little bit, Gotta go- L8er, -ULTIMATE WARCRAFT- 
(12-19-00) Hey- I never have too much to say anymore- There isn't really anything to update until the Backstabber 2001 comes out and any other hacks- The site still looks real good and I don't have my PhotoImpact 6 Program anymore- my time limit ran out- lol, I made this whole site with a free graphic editor- pretty good huh? Well I'm going to go now- l8er,  -ULTIMATE WARCRAFT-
(12-10-00) Hey, I don't really have much to say so... I just thought I would update a little bit, anyways I don't know what to add to the site or anything cuz I think it looks pretty good.. Do you guys know what I should add? And don't say the stupid Dragon Hack. See ya l8er- ULTIMATE WARCRAFT Plz join a sponsor!! Click here to help me out and join a sponsor!
(12-4-00) Drakken has done it again! He has made yet another hack! This one has upgrades for Ships, Archers, Swords, Shields, a disconnect hack, and the minimap hack ALL IN ONE! Great work! Click here to download now! Plz join a sponsor!! Click here to help me out and join a sponsor!
(12-03-00) Hey... Drakken was cool enough to let me use his hack he made to put on my site. Be sure to visit his site too cuz he has some good stuff on it Click Here to go there. Well I don't know what else to say... If you have any suggestions just post them in the Forum and I'll see what I can do about it.. L8er.. -ULTIMATE WARCRAFT-
(12-02-00) Hey, Drakken has made an upgrade hack for archers and catapults swords and shields and everything ALL in ONE! That is so cool! I am asking him if I can post it on here, so hopefully I will be able to.  Well I don't really have any news so I will end it here -Ultimate Warcraft- Also, FRONTPAGE 2000 won't let me play music what is up with that? If you can fix it then i'll give you something!
(11-29-00) Hey wassup well I know you won't be hearing any music because Frontpage 2000 for some ODD reason will Not let me play my music.. If anyone knows what's wrong tell me and Ill give ya... something... Well anyways im liking the new look how about you? Gotta fly though.. L8er.
(11-20-00) Sup People. What's new? I got yes- another lay-out for the site. Better? I hope so! Well anywayz... What's up? I am getting some more files and will be adding them soon. I got FrontPage 2000 and am using this to redo like the entire site! Well It will be cool!  Alrighty then... The Hack trading is going good huh? Well nothing else to say! Bye.
(11-17-00) Hey, the web-war between me and this other guy is over. So I am having a better day I guess. I will be putting up a links section for a lot of the Warcraft sites. So if you would like to link to me and me to link to you that'd be cool. But I would like you to get one hundred hits for a couple of days so that we will both be getting equal advertising get the idea? Alright well enough out of me- not much has been upgraded on the site, but this guy named Drakken is upgrading the Upgrade Hack, he says he would be willing to give it to me if I give him one of my rare hacks, but I retarded friend got on my comp and deleted me hacks file on accident (Better have been an accident) so I am screwed. But I am excited that he is making this hack anyways. I hope I have some of those hacks on one of my e-mail accounts. I prob do just not sure which one. Well L8er all! www.ultimatewarcraft.cjb.net!
(11-16-00) Hey, some jerks are giving me some crap about my site lately but I am not going to say who it is because why in the world would I want to give his crappy site any free advertising right? Well that has sort of made me mad lately. And I know you guys hate that I have you sign up for sponsors- I'm sorry about that. But I put the money towards the site with the programs I buy. Well I'm done blabbering on so I will end here. L8er.
(11-12-00) I officially have gotten the files section all done and it should be working great if it isn't please tell me. And I would aslo Like to know... Do the hacks all download? Cuz If they aren't I think that you just need to join my sponsor and it should work. If it dosen't work after that go to the hack's help page, if it still won't post a message in the forum. Thanks. ALSO- The only reason I am the only worker of this site is because I like doing it on my own. Plus I don't want someone who was "Supposed to help me with the site" Delete everything after they would get the password. SO- that is why i don't want or need any help. It isn't that big of a site anyways so it is easy to maintain on my own!
(11-11-00) Hey, What have you guys been up to? I haven't been able to get my uploader to work that is why it has taken me so long to update the site- sorry about that. Well I was gonna make my site www.warcraftii.org but I don't have the tool I need to really make it succesful- which is PhotoImpact6 So until I buy that- I cant do to much with the graphics on the site. It costs $90 so I will probably buy it around Christmas and move this site onto the NEXT LEVEL! I will get it then because that is when my next sponsor check will come- THANKS TO YOU GUYS for signing up for them I REALLY appreciate it alot. I have the links on the files page working now so have fun with that aight? L8er- ~Nick~
(10-28-00) Hello all... I am back with a yet newer layout for the site considering I just slapped a new one on here a couple of weeks ago.. But I thought ya know.. This site dosen't look as good as I could really make it- So I got up this Saturday Morning- Saw that basketball Practice had been canceled- and got right to work on the site! And in a three hours of straning my eyes at the screen It was completed... I know the graphics look a bit blurry- I made them that way so they would load faster! Smart eh... Well I will be finished linking all of the files to the page by the end of the day so be sure and check that out. L8er (Later) The One and Only worker of this Site- ~Nick~
(10-16-00)Hey fellas! Wassup? I made a new cover for the ol' Ultimate Warcraft site how do you like it? Ok Ok.. I know you guys are thinking wow it looks nice :) and all but I need to get to really why I am posting this message for you all. I wanted to say that I know It was quite lame of me to make you sign up for my sponsors and all so I am doing away with it. Because I figure.. If they liked my site and got some valuable information and files then I'm sure they will sign up for my sponsors on their own right? So if you DO wanna still help me out by Joining my sponsors (not just clicking on their banner) Then go ahead and go to the section entitled Sponsors ok? Well I would like to thank all of my loyal visitors and keep sending your friends here!
(9-16-00)Hey guys I am back! I know I haven't updated it in a while so I thought I'd better add some more of my hacks so you will be interested on coming back. I have made the page over, so through out the site there are new things. Check out the Forum and drop me a note, or send me some Information with the New Feed Back Section! Thanks.... Now I am back and will be updating more often and daily adding more strategies! So come back often...
(8-26-00)Hello guys, I thought the gamers of battle.net could use a nice place to get utilities and sound files for THEIR webpages or for the game itself. So I have made this webpage for you people. I have many hacks, files, cheats, strategies and will try my hardest to update often!