Rules, noone likes em but they're made to be followed.... SO GET FOLLOWING, not too many rules here so...

1.No "bullying" newbies e.g you have a power level of 1 million, and along comes some newbie with a power level of 50,000 and you post sum message like:blasts little helpless newbie to smithereens

2. don't go around depopulating my rpg in other words, dont kill everyone you see, and if u r gunna pick a fight wit sum1 at least let em agree to fight u or let em post sumthin bout da fight.

3. swearing: woteva the message board itself allows, i allow: no censoring required

4. don't make your posts too short, write in detail, or make many short posts, dont do stuff like: walks into a garden and picks up a dragon ball, say why you went to the garden ect

5: lower power level= loss??? i don't think so, you may be at a disadvantage, but the harder you try the more chance you have

6: monkey see monkey do: in other words if u see it on the tv show it is most probably aloud here if you're not sure email me

7: wanna learn a new attack/technique? email me and ill tell you if it's ok

8: power up techniques e.g oozaru and kioken

oozaru: your pl is x by 10 you can enter this form if you are in ssj or not

kioken: you can learn kioken up to kioken x 10

golden oozaru: pl is x by 20 you must be in ssj 4 to go this

super kioken: pl is x by 20 you must have a pl of 3million to learn this