
JobWages(weekly) Description/pros+cons
Karin's assistant$1,500 help karin grow seznu beans, may keep 5 per week and can sell them to other members
Capsule Corp Mechanic$1,500you can repair your broken items for free and can charge other members to repair items
Assasin$2,000get paid by members to kill other members clients pay + $2000 for every job completed
Bodyguard$2,000Get paid by members to protect from other members, clients pay + $2000 for every job completed
martial arts Trainer$2,500 you do not get paid for training other members, but you can teach them moves like the kamehameha, attacks take 4 days to learn and members must pay $1000 to the trainer to learn the move(note!!!- some moves cannot be taught to certain members)
healer$3,500you are given 3 senzus a week, any member who comes to you wishing to be healed you must feed them a senzu, if you run out of senzu beans you must buy your own to supply other members, if any of the 3 senzu beans supplied are not used by the beggining of next week you may not keep them, you just lose them(note!!! you cannot visit the healer more than once a week and cannot visit him when you or him are in a battle and also the healer cannot use the supplied senzus for his own good, he must buy his own)

Senzu Beansingular$150 eachRestores health and lost limbs
Dragonball RadarRegular$3,000Can locate Earth & Namek dragonballs
Dragonball RadarAdvanced$20,000Can locate Universal dragonballs
Gravity Room5-50 x earth grav grav x 5= $250 then each upgrade after costs $1000( must have pl required to buy upgrades, see power section) it
Weighted ClothesN/A$250 earns pl
saibmen seed singular$5,000saibemen take 3 days to grow, you must protect them as they grow, as other members can attempt to destroy them, after the 3 days your saibmen will be complete, they will start with 10% of your pl, you can train them to become great warriors and get them to do your bidding... heck u can even name em if you want
space pods transport$1,500can take you to any planet