Wiccan terms:

Astral plane-- A place which is generally though of as an invisible parallel world which remains unseen from our own solid form of world.

Athame-- A cleansed ritual blade, not sharp or used for cutting. It's usually double edged and black, but any color will do.

Aura-- The life energy field that surrounds all living things.

Besom-- A witches broom, used to "sweep" away bad energy from around a ritual space. Not used for sweeping dirt.

Book of shadows--A witches diary where spells,experiments, notes and herbs are kept in. Basically anything may be put in here to gain knowladge, it is meant to be kept secret.

Circle-- A circle is a sacred space where all magick is done and all ritual is contained. It holds all energy untill the witch releases the energy. It is also used for protection for the witch during the magickal workings.

Cleansing-- Removing negative energy from a person or object.

Magick-- Magick exists in all things it can be best described as energy put fourth from all things. Witches harnes this energy to help aid in spells and healing.

Magick Wands- These are used to focus energy from one point to another. A wand can be made of many things from copper, to natures gift..a branch. Myself prefer to stay the natural way so my wand consists of a straight branch that found itself to me, and I decorated it with blue ribbons and many small crystals with one big crystal at the tip of it.