From: Western Voices

The verdict is in, and according to the Department of Homeland Security, our nation's Founders were in fact "right wing extremists". The Department of Homeland Security recently released a report about the threat right-wing extremists' pose to our nation. After reading that report, I have come to the conclusion that our Founding Fathers were right-wing extremists.

One part of the report says that right wing extremists tend to reject federal authority in favor of state authority. Our nation's Founders included Amendment ten in the Constitution which specifically states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Seeing as how there was considerably little in the Constitution prior to this amendment, it seems as though they generally favored state rule over federal rule.

The Homeland Security report also said that right wingers are those concerned about government infringement of their right to own guns. But, when you consider that the Founders specifically put the right to own a weapon in the Constitution as the 2nd freedom listed (behind only freedom of speech, religion, press and assembly), they might be concerned about infringement too.

Homeland Security also stated that many new right wing extremists will be disgruntled military veterans. This report even disgracefully compared our brave men and women returning home from war to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy Mcveigh. You might wonder how the Founding Fathers fit into this. The French and Indian War was fought from 1754-1763 on U.S. soil. The Colonists and the British fought the French and Indians who were allied. Many of our Founding Fathers, including our very first President, George Washington, fought alongside the British as they defeated the French and Indians. A little over a decade later, those very same Founding Fathers, disgruntled at their treatment by the British began a revolution that started a nation.

The report also stated that right wing extremist groups often focus on just one issue. Two popular examples given of issues that these groups focus on are abortion and immigration. While abortion is a very sensitive issue that is mostly based on personal values and beliefs, it is possible many Founders would have been pro-life. Since the issue of abortion only became a political matter in the past 40 years, it is hard to know what the Founders would have believed 200 years before their time. Nevertheless, they did include the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness at the very beginning of our Declaration of Independence. Some might argue the placement of life in relation to the other two and the fact that the Founders included life as an inalienable right might signify an anti-abortion stance.

The other all-important issue mentioned was opposition to immigration. There is no question that the Founders were very keen on limiting the amount of immigration allowed. In fact, between the years 1790 and 1798, they passed no fewer than three immigration laws each progressively making it more difficult for foreigners to attain citizenship.

The verdict is in, and according to the Department of Homeland Security, our nation's Founders were in fact "right wing extremists". They stood for small government, personal liberty and self-determination. And at one time, America stood for that too. Today we have a President that doesn't have a problem with side-stepping the second amendment. What other Constitutional rights might he be willing to side-step? Our Representatives from both parties believe that the brief constitutional provision granting the federal government the right to regulate interstate commerce means the federal government can throw trillions of our dollars at large corporations. And somewhere along the way our health care, retirement and education became the government's responsibility.

Our Founders were right-wing, freedom loving extremists, and there's still a small group of like-minded extremists out there as well. But Homeland Security got the facts wrong. The freedom loving extremists are not here to destroy America; they are here to save her.