Alexander Golenkov

Comparison of Quran and the Bible with


- called Protestantism -

As only we set to compare Quran with the Bible, we run accross following:

1.) NOWHERE in the Bible it is said of BIBLE ITSELF: the way it is said in Quran of QURAN ITSELF almost AT ANY ITS PAGE:


(...Live by it; and after by it you are to be judged...)


Note: This comparison is especially useful in explaining to Protestant Christians, WHAT IS THE BIBLE, according to Orthodox Christianity. For, when they call it "Word of God", - would you say, it is "not Word of God"?!.. - It surely IS, but FAR NOT IN A SENSE in which QURAN ALLEGES THIS OF ITSELF. And I just find no other way to explain this; that's WHY this research in "Koranic matters" is, first of all, the one into purely CHRISTIAN MATTERS; for relation of Christianity and Islam, Koran and the Bible - is only but MOST EXPICATED MODEL of the relation between Original Christianity (called "Orthodox") and the Protestantism (which I call further "Islamomorphism inside of Christianity" as attempt to create a "Christian religion of Book"...). Otherwise, Islam would never agitate such interest in me, would it not just MODEL THIS PROBLEM hardly explainable by proper Christian means... (Would anyone say after that, it's "without Cod's Providence"?.. - Namely RECEARCH INTO THIS PROVIDENCIAL MATTER is this work of mine).

2.) The whole of Quran is written from the FIRST and ONE only face (grammatical "person") : the one of Allah, the Most High, as it alleges itself of itself; while in the Bible - I dare to allege - there is NO ONE WORD DIRECTLY FROM GOD, except only being RETOLD BY MAN: even if it is some large quotation of God's speach in the speach of a prophet.


Further we'll be explaining such absense of any God's direct speach in the Bible by its being itself a DIRECT DIALOGUE between God AND MAN; - NOT a MONOLOGUE, as is already the case with Koran, in which ON THE CONTRARY: prophet Muhammad says NOT A WORD of oneself alleging that EVERY WORD in his mouth is the one of Allah.

Muslim scholars like to present this as a "Seal of True PURE God's Revelation", for - as they say - NO OTHER BOOK alleging to be Revelation can say of itself that it contains NOT ANY ONE HUMAN WORD, while Koran only can...

(I know only most radical Protestants who say something like that of the Bible.., but of that we will talk little later...)

They say: Any other book is starting by some "cirtumatances of place and time", such as:

"In the begining was Word" (Jn.1:1);

"There lived a man in the land of Outz" (Job.1:1);

"In the beginning created God the heaven and earth" (Being.1:1)..;

- so that, in all of these cases, the man is only (re)telling just something of God; while Koran is being started directly by the word of God:

"Listen! (Read!)"

["Iqra!" in Arabic]...;

- or, absolutely; - and is continued unbreakingly as God's direct speach - which makes it unique and beyond even any comparison (a "Miracle of all miracles", as they say).

But nontheless, we'll continue with our comparison. Only we'll not follow the way of Protestantism trying to present the Bible for WHAT IT IS NOT: "Pure Devine Revelation", "God's Message for Humanity", or ANY OTHER FORM OF MONOLOGUE. For, the Bible is DIALOGUE, in its very nature, and by this nature it's - really REVEALING the nature of Christianity (and in this sense - Revelation): as COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MAN AND GOD.

As even: unbreakable Communication - the same as God's speach in Koran (from any "intrusion of man"...). And although godless man always breaks it.., God never does anything out of such dialogue: that is why there are no God's monologues in the Bible.

And if to look further - this is how from the very start the Bible prepares man for further JOINING OF MAN AND GOD in Jesus Christ, in Whom, moreover, there is NOTHING AT ALL from God except only THRU MAN. This basicmost Christian principle - of God joined to man - is exactly persued all Bible thru, even from its most principal Basics...

Althouth now it's yet premature to speak of Dogmatics of Christianity, for it is in fact THE MAIN STUMBLING STONE BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM. To this, we must give before point 3:

3.) Quran NOWHERE gives Christian dogmatics in its exact properly Orthodox Christian form; although in many places very harshly condemns some HERESIES OF HISTIRICAL CHRISTIANITY.

It is very important, for a man reading Quran for the first time, it is quite a temptation to say, that it "condemns Christianity": its teaching of Trinity, first of all, and the Godhead of Christ. And only ignorance of Christian history may cause to say that

- The impression is that

- From where the conclusion is that

Trinity is, first of all, Unity.

Reprinted from Christian philosophy, theology of history

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