Upper Midwest Foxtrotter Association
an official affiliate member of the MFHTBA
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"Promoting the Foxtrotting Breed as a Regional Effort"

   There are many reasons for  this UMFTA affiliate.  First is the number of fox trotter owners, and horses within this region which encompasses IA, WI, MN, MI, IL, S.D. and N.D. A few of these states have established affiliates but some do not.  This new chapter was formed not to take away members from an existing affiliate, but to help all foxtrotter owners and breeders better promote our wonderful breed as a regional effort. Although many of our members are not actively involved in showing, they are convinced that the Missouri Fox Trotter is the best horse breed out there for the recreational rider.

   There are many good quality foxtrotting horses bred and raised in the Upper Midwest. We believe a combined effort is the best way to further promote the horses born and raised here through shows, clinics trail rides and live demonstrations.

   The interest in fox trotters in the Upper Midwest is growing rapidly.  The  charter officers and board members represent years of fox trotter ownership and showing at local, regional, and national levels.   This group alone owns over 200 registered fox trotters.

   Besides the participation and friendship, the charter will allow us to educate people in our area about the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse.  We will also be able to hold sanctioned point shows and educational clinics and seminars. We currently participate in the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, WI, and have had a tremendous response to our efforts there.

This website is meant to list board minutes, meeting notices, calendar of events, classified advertisements, educational stories, and member websites. 

Questions, Comments regarding the website direct to Erica Zick at tezick@ticon.net 
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Updated 11-04
This site was updated 11-23-04
Please visit the Links page and go to the link "Important: MFTHBA petition."