Miscellaneous /// My Reviews

Updated 4-17-2002
(I was sick of these things sounding like a 15-year-old wrote them. ...So what if I was 15 when I they were written? Hehe...)

P.S. Revised Version is a tad more opinionated and let's say controversial than what used to be here, so please don't be offended. My opinions are just that: Opinions. Mine.

Who's My Favorite Character?

Umi is my favorite of the three knights and my favorite MKR character in general (maybe my all-time favorite anime character, but I do have that thing for Michiru *sigh*). I'll admit it, I first fell in love with her because, let's face it, she's gorgeous. I can be attracted to anime women, right? Eh, anyway, I later learned that there are so many other non-superficial reasons to love her as well, which is important. She has a very strong, independant character, yet she's naive and quite vulnerable at times, too. Also she's a bitch, and what can I say? I'm a sucker for a chick with attitude who's not afraid to show it. She's halarious as well (mostly due to her aforementioned bitchiness). Water powers rock and I've always had a deep love and felt an intrinsic connection with the ocean, not to mention I'm a piscean. So there are some things Umi and I have in common. Lastly, she fences. Fencing rocks. I would do it except I'm just not coord-enough-inated. Yeahhhh.

What's My Favorite Power?

Well, this one's a toughie, considering there are like, 584735374859 million spells to choose from in MKR, roughly... But I must say my favorite power is Spiral Lights, which occurs when all three magic knights combine powers and bodies in order to defeat Zagato. Oh, also, it's the title of this really ass-kickin MKR page, I don't know if anyone has heard of it but... Euh, but anyway. I love it because 1.) it's a beautiful spell and it only happens once, 2.) it's the spell that defeats the bad guy, 3.) it's such a physically and mentally intimate spell considering Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu do, in fact, have to combine their bodies and souls in order to perform it, which is amazing to me, and 4.) they didn't even know they had it in them. (This spell also known as Spiral Flash to everyone else on earth who probably watched the legit stuff instead of going for ghetto fansubs like me...) However, I'm also pretty partial to the way that Clef and Alcione can just randomly scream spells out at each other in the OVAs. Matter of fact, it's just plain cool how they can scream spells out in general. (i.e. "ASTORA!!".... "CRESTA!!" little while later... "DITOWA!!")

Who's My Favorite Mashin?

Once again it's the Umi-bias... AAAHHHGGGHHH!!! Not really. But yeah, Selece is definately my favorite mashin. Mostly because he evolved from a dragon and I don't have to tell you how much cooler blue dragons are than four-winged phoenixes or flaming horned lion things. Or whatever it is that Rayearth's supposed to be. ;) When shown in the manga or anime (in mecha form) his armor looks so sleek and cold and blue. He's really gorgeous. I want one of my own, but I don't think I could fit him in one of the already limited parking spaces here at college. *sigh*

What's My Favorite Outfit?

I love the second-to-last phases their armor goes through, which consist of the flimsy-looking but surprisingly strong fabric getups. That made sense, yes. Anyway, I think those are quite lovely and wish the knights could have spent more time in them. However, my favorite outfits of all are the final forms of their armor (like everybody else), mostly that of Umi. Once again blue delivers with the blue-and-yellow bodice and elegant opera-length gloves, slit skirt, and swanky French-cut leotard peeking through. This outfit is definately very sexy, chic, and useful, considering there's really not a lot of fabric to get in the way of, say, her sword or something. That would be embarassing.

Who's Sword Is My Favorite?

Fuu's. (You know me so well ^^.) Adore the fact that it stands taller than she does (but how does she use it???). It's a very attractive broadsword with a nifty green circular design on the hilt and handle. I would be a lucky girl to have such an attractive speciman in my collection. Not that I collect dangerous things like that. No. My roommate would leave.

Who's Hair Is My Favorite?

Emeraude has a lovely head of it. You can't go wrong with long, curly, blonde, and all-over-the-place. How many bottles of shampoo does it take for one cleaning, I wonder... But I digress. So her hair is very stunning and without a doubt one of her most distinctive character traits. That's actually the first thing I think about when I think of Emeraude: HAIR. (The second thing being crybaby and the third being short. Heh.) If I had an Emeraude shrine, I'd name it HAIR. No, really. You think I'm kidding!

Who's My Favorite Villain?

Alcione is the only villain who could ever fill this place in my heart. She had the courage to turn away Clef and to love Zagato (well, that or the stupidity, but perspectives, perspectives...). She's strong as hell and determined as sin. She was the longest-lasting villain of all in the anime! She also has some of the best lines/spells (what's the diff?). She has an excellent body and some of the most attractive and creative clothes in which to show it off, especially in the OVA. Alcione is definately a villain who has earned my respect.

Who's My Favorite Background Character?

Can it be Alcione again? Okay, I can be creative. Dayna's favorite background character has to be... Mokona. Yes, Mokona. I'm all about the hopping and puu-ing, and being furry and white and small... and since I can't think of anything else, there must not be a lot to him. Which, if you think about it, simplicity can be so refreshing in a series as complex as Magic Knight Rayearth. True story.

Which Episode Is My Favorite?

Sorry, I'm not rewriting this one. Which makes for an interesting writing-style comparison. (Translation: DOOM!)
You're in for an earfull... er, I mean eyefull. Okay... I love episode 5 ("The Legendary Mineral, Escudo") cuz that sequence when they're in the fountain is just too cool. I like how Fuu has to go up against herself. That's a major shocker.
I also like episode 14 ("Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu's Wish That They Will Yield To No One"). Call me a sadist, I don't care. I think that I actually like this episode because it's so bloody! I mean, poor Hikaru gets the crap beaten outa her trying to find Umi and Fuu (who have been kidnapped and taken away). It's just really gory. I mean, first running through that pricker patch and leaving this trail of blood on the ground, and then when she's trying to climb out of the ravine and there's streaks of blood running down the walls of rock, where she slid. It's just heart-wrenching to see her helplessly lying there, out of breath, bleeding to death, and trying for the life of her to figure out where the heck Umi and Fuu could have been taken to. Very interesting. I like it. I also liked it when, earlier in the episode, Umi becomes really affectionate toward Hikaru and embraces her, saying that she should worry about herself more and about the rest of them less. Major break through for Umi fans!
And of course, I absolutely love the last two episodes; 19 and 20 ("Confrontation! Magic Knights vs Zagato" and "Legendary Magic Knights! The Surprising Truth"). I cried very, very hard. It's gorgeous when they've just acquired their Mashin and they're flying toward Emeraude's castle, saying that they've been through so much and soon they'll be able to go home together. They play the full version "Yuzurenai Negai" (opening sequence) so slowly. And after the final battle, when they return to Tokyo, they're standing there, hugging each other so long and crying and then Hikaru says she wants to return to Cephiro. It's so pretty when they play the closing theme slowly and there's a picture of the Earth in the background. *Sniff*
I like all three OVA episodes exactly the same. But my favorite part of any of the OVAs is the last scene of the last episode, when, after the three of them have been through so much together, they must leave each other still. They stand under the cherry tree for the last time, their hands one on top of the other, and slowly they each take their hand away. Then the three friends slowly walk away, each going in a different direction without saying a word. I cried that time, too.

Who's My Least Favorite Main Character?

I don't want anyone mad at me, but this space belongs to Fuu. I don't know why I don't like her other than she bores me. Simply that. It seems like everything interesting that happens in the series is due to the antics of either Umi or Hikaru while Fuu just kind of regulates things and states the obvious. Sure, she has a love interest, but even that's not extremely interesting to me. Now if she and Ferio pounced on each other one day, per se, that would get my attention... But she's so reserved. Which is another thing I don't like about her. (I've already stated my affinity toward the bitchy characters here.) She has some good lines, some good adventures, and it's not like I hate her. She's simply my least favorite main character.

What's My Least Favorite Episode?

None I can think of off the top of my head. The first episode tends to be basically useless after you learn anything at all about the series. But even the other day it had me rolling on the floor laughing.

Who's My Least Favorite Villain?

I used to say Inouva here, which is still a bit true, but recently I've been liking him more and more. Maybe it's his overt feminine qualities, the subtle homoeroticism about him, or his completely selfless and unrequited love for Zagato (sexual love, platonic love, whatever. Whatever you're comfortable believing...) but he's just kind of grown on me. Which leaves me with no least favorite villain in MKR, which is truly miraculous and stupefying when it comes to me and anime. Ahhh!

Who's My Least Favorite Background Character?

Well, I'd have to say Caldina here. Not to offend Caldina lovers or anything, but whoever designed her costume was smoking crack. Well, maybe. I'd like her more if she were more developed, it's true, but she's not. And that's one of the problems. I'm not a huge fan of the flaxen pink hair, either. (I guess I've just seen one too many drag queens...) She's also shallow, arrogant, conceited, etc... and I know that's all a part of her character and what makes her distinguishable from the other characters... it's just not a great thing to be distinguished by in my book. LOL. ^^;;

Manga vs Anime?

These days I'm saying the manga is preferable to me. Whereas the color and sound of my fansubs is fading, the manga drawings remain perfectly rendered and gorgeous and the story is still just as poignent. The details are so intricate and the plot is more involved and a bit darker, more sinister, if you ask me. Worth spending time on.

1st Season vs 2nd Season?

Can you believe I still haven't seen the second season anime yet? How pathetic is that? I must be the last person in America. For reals, man. See, this page first started out as a shrine to the first season MKR anime and manga only because the second season wasn't fansubbed yet... or something. But since then I still haven't seen it because I am piss poor. So hopefully I can get MKR2 savvy in the next few years. (Pray for me.) Oh! But to answer the question (which I don't think is even grammatical, by the way,) I'll have to keep with the first season. Season 2 was great in the manga, but I'm still not very familiar with it even in that medium. So season one it is.

MKR vs Other Anime?

MKR and Rayearth OVA series is still and probably always will be one of my favorite anime series of all time. But recently I've been re-discovering my love for Sailormoon, mostly with the help of some S and Stars fansubs. I could definately see getting into Utena, too, but I pretty much have had to put a stop to that considering I haven't the resources at this point to get into any more anime, mentally or in terms of money. (That shit's addicting, man...) But MKR is the only anime I've ever taken the time and effort to make a site this comprehensive about, so take that as you will.

Anime vs OVA?

Recently I've been getting more into the manga and OVA versions of MKR and out of the anime stylings. I have to say the OVAs are my favorite when compared to the anime series. It's much darker, brooding, haunting, desperate... and more! The colors, characters, and music are brilliant, as is the story line. Plus you can watch them all in one sitting. (Try doing that with the anime without dying of starvation or muscle atrophy!) Haha! Yes indeedy.

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