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U-M ruthless to MSU
46-point defeat rattles Spartans
Bellamy Scores

Bellamy Scores

(A reminder:  These pictures are thumbnails.  Click on them to see a larger view.  And we have added text to all the pictures.  Let you mouse set on a picture for a second to see it.)

Non-commital flag. New candles for Barbie... next a haircut. We even allowed Spartan fans.

Table ready as the crowd grows. . and here is....

... and they are .... Barb's driver and valet. The Tartels

Lloyd's brother-in-law... Lloyd sees the sign.

So, how much did Lloyd pay this guy to carry this sign...

ANN ARBOR -- Michigan State players accused some of their teammates of giving up. Michigan State Coach Bobby Williams, whose job security is flimsy at best, said he was embarrassed. And Michigan Coach Lloyd Carr made a brief but emotional postgame speech supporting his instate coaching rival, Williams.  (yeppers -- we want Bobby back next year.)

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This page was last updated:  11/03/02