
- Fixed problem when EOF not on its ownn line.


- Added rbsnippets.zip.  For CodeWrightt 6 users, extract this 
  into the snippets directory within your CodeWright 6 directory.

  These are simple templates for file, class and method comment 
  headers.  With any file open, you can click the CodeFolio tab
  at the bottom of the CW6 left pane, click on the ruby node, click
  on the Class, File, or Method Header node to insert a comment
  box for a File, Class or Method.  
  This is a very nice feature of CodeWright 6.  


- Corrected several small syntax color  problems.


- Added support for the CodeWright Outlline tab.
  When you are in a .rb file and the Outline tab is selected at the 
  bottom of CodeWright's left pane, the class, def, and module names
  in the .rb. file will be listed dynamically.  

  To activate this feature:- 

     1) go to Document, Language, Symbols
     2) make sure .rb is selected as the File type
     3) check the class, def, and module boxes.

- Added ruby style CommentBox and Commeent.  
  To see what this does, go to Document, Language, Comments.


- Fixed nested quotes coloring. e.g "a''a'a" should all be one color.

- Cleaned up some of the template expannsion.

  Template expansion works best if you are already on a tab stop when
  you type an abbreviation.  

11/30/2000 - Version 1 Created 

    Source: geocities.com/uncle_gaga