I walk through the door of this modest location;
it was a den of repugnant depravity, which
couldn’t be seen from the outside through the
black painted windows. Hidden inside was a
maze of bodies and doors. Bodies scattered
here and there convulsing in spasmatic
choreography against each other. Doors the
entrances to unthinkable carnal events each
designed to sicken you to the point of
pleasure. Not every door was for everyone
and yet there were some who would go from
door to door one right after another, as if they
were searching for each new door their whole
life. Their faces covered with black cloth they
could see out but we could not see in, a kind
of secret separate side of themselves, the
cloths serving to hide their identities from
strangers as well as themselves.  It couldn’t
truly be them doing these things.

Wandering through this labyrinth of sin I came upon a door that was for me. The zombies
offered me a black cloth and when I refused they became angry and distanced
themselves from me. Shunning me, there was an occasional shove backward as I forced
myself closer to my door. “You must have the cloth so that no one knows.”  They yelled. “It’
s for your protection as well as ours.” Another yelled. I persisted my way closer pushing
through the now barricade of zombies until I had finally reached the door that was meant
for me.

With a deep breath I turned the knob and pushed it open. I was blinded by a bright light
as I walked through. The door slammed hard behind me and I heard it lock. When my
eyes finally adjusted to the light I could see I was outside and the den was gone

Which Door Is Your's?
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