Tiburon has been a member of the Federation
almost since its founding, and as one of the oldest civilizations in that organization, has a history that is traceable back to the Iconian Empire nearly one million years past.

The Tiburonians pride themselves on an educational system equaled only by the Vulcans, but also on a record of pacifism matched by none. No weapons are permitted on the planet's surface, and what limited number of peacekeeping devices are allowed to the Home Defense Forces are non-lethal and never displayed openly except in extreme emergencies. In fact, the Home Defense Ministry acts strictly as a police force to maintain public order and a social atmosphere generally conducive to study and research. Which is not to say that Tiburon has not produced its share of protestors and troublemakers over the centuries.

Talor Chevin was born to an academic family in
Tiburon's second largest city. His mother is Central University's most eminent astronautical theorist. It was her love of space exploration that inspired Talor to study astronautical engineering, although he dropped out of the University in his third year to join the Home Defense Force. He likewise refused to marry the daughter of one of his father's colleagues; a marriage arranged according to Tiburonian tradition that would have greatly enhanced his father's career.

With the HDF he established a reputation as an aggressive, though highly skilled patrol pilot. (Courtesy
is a more highly valued quality in all of Tiburon's public servants, especially peacekeepers) After six years of inspecting merchant vessels and citing warp speed violators, he longed for more adventure in life- a chance to test his exceptional targeting skills and underused combat training. With the endorsement of an understanding CO, he was eventually able to join the Starfleet Marines. His first posting is with the 9th Marine Fighter Squadron at Moonbase Ticonderga, in the
Markez System.

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Bravo 1   2nd Lt. Talor Chevin

Eagle Class Starfighter, "Bravo 1"         2nd Lt. Talor Chevin

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