Mike MacNeil
I would be described as a friendly person, and a helpful one as well. People that I am fortunate enough to encounter, describe me as being very nice. I am very close to my family and regard them as the most important part of my life. Friends are treasured and I would do anything that I can for any of them.
Bluemountain Greeting Cards
My favourite pastime is playing with my kids. They keep me young. I enjoy reading, photography, driving, and I love my computer. It is great to work with my hands to build or fix things, and I enjoy organizing things physically. I like to work with Audio/Visual equipment.
My family is very loving. I am surrounded by it, whenever I am around them. My sisters are far from me, yet so close to my heart. Just a phonecall away, still does the world of good. They are so good to me, yet it is I, that they put on a pedestal. I couldn`t, in my lifetime, deserve them. My wife and kids, I could go on forever about. It is sufficient to say that they are wonderful to me.
Animation Arthouse
The friends that I have vary, greatly. They are both offline and online. They are all over the world, and they are close by home. One thing is true about them all, is that they are all very close to my heart. I would do anything for my friends, and while they may say that about me, I ask little of my friends. Whether you see them everyday, or just hold them in your heart, they all mean the world.
Animation Factory
Roses Background Archive