episode 31, The Ninja Poke-Showdown

(first the opeaning song starts)

Ash: damnet i can't find the Fusha City gym any were

Misty: mabey we should stop for a quick rest then we can find it more easly

Ash: good point

Brock: aggreed

Ash: how about over at that small pond over there?

Misty: works for me (they head over and let out all their pokemon)

Psyduck: psy duck (goes over and starts to drink some of the pond water)

Misty: uh Psyduck you know if you drink too much of that cold water it will make your headace worse?

Psyduck: psy

Brock: damn Misty that Psyduck of yours sucks

Misty: say i know Brock why don't we trade your Vulpix for my Psyduck after all this way theres a lot less hair to combe seeing as Psyduck has only three hairs?

Brock: hell no Vulpix could easly kick Psyducks ass and thats even with the fact that Vulpix has the type disadvantige

Ash: well i'm refreashed so now lets go find the gym (they retreat all the pokemon and go back looking for the gym unaware there being spied on by a Venonat) damnet i can't find it anywere lets ask the people in that japanese looking house over there

Misty: ok with me (they go inside)

Ash: hello anyone in here hello?

Misty: hello (steps back and the wall being a trap door traps her on the other side)

Ash: what the hell

Brock: what just happened? (hits the trap door were Misty dissappeared in and it spins and Misty comes back to this side)

Misty: damnet what happened?

Ash: i have no clue

Venonat: venonat

Ash: hey a Venonat

Misty: lets follow it and see if he knows were anyone in this house is

Ash: right (they follow the Venonat but Ash trips on a round object and looks down to see what it is) oh S*** a Voltorb

Voltorb: voltorb (the voltorb explodes on them)

Ash: damnet that was close (they see the Venonat again) there it is lets get it (they chase after the Venonat some more to the top floor and then Ash slams into an invisible wall) ouch what the hell is this doing here?

Brock: Ash i think this house maybe a death trap we should leave right now it's not worth staying

Ash: yeah you might be right (walks foward a few steps and ends up slaming into another invisible wall) damnet we're traped in here

Brock: i hope that who ever designed this isn't trying to steel out pokemon cause i don't wanna lose Vulpix

Ash: right now common lets get out of here (Ash without lookinh hits a trap door that leads right to out side) ahh

Misty and Brock: ASH (they open the trap door and look down to see a realy big fall and Ash nowere to be seen)

Ash: guys i'm righ here (they look down to see him holding on to the wall) now could you help me up

Misty and Brock: right (they both lift Ash back up and on the floor)

Ash: damnet that was close this plase is dangerous (the wall opens and the Venonat from befor appears) there you are i bet your the one who set all this up (Ash start to charge after the Venonat but while running a ninja girl appears and throws four ninja stars at Ash nailing him to a wall two on Ash's arms and two on his legs and a bit of blood start to drip) ahh

Ninji Girl: now for the finishing strike (the girl pulls out one more ninja star and throws it right at Ash aiming for his balls)

Misty: *thinking* oh no if that hits him... *end thinking* hey i know ASH LOOK HERE!

Ash: what is it Misty? (Ash looks her way and Misty takes her top off in front of Ash) wwwwwwooooooaaaaaaa (Brock falls back with a bleeding nose, while Ash ends up getting a bonner from looking at Misty, and the ninja star that was aiming for him misses him by a few inches Misty then puts her top back on) aww take it back off won't ya?

Misty: you should be glad i saved you there

Brock: no seriously please take your top back off


Ninji Girl: clever trick girl but that dosen't mean i will let you all go so easily

Ash: who the hell are you and why did you try to nail me by the balls with those ninja stars?

Ninja Girl: because that was a trap and i was doing some target practice, so what brings you travelers here?

Ash: uh i was wondering if you knew were the Fusha City Gym is?

Ninja Girl: your here right now i am the Gym leader Iya i accept you challenge

Ash: great but could you let me down first?

Iya: oh right (Iya pulls off the Ninja Stars that were nailed into Ashes arms and legs and Ash then manages to shake off the blood that was driping from were the Ninja Stars were in him then gets ready to begin the battle) ok Venonat go

Venonat: venonat

Ash: so your the owner of that Venonat? fine then Bulbasaur go

Bulbasaur: bulbasaur

meanwhile outside

Jessie: James do you see that? (gives James the binoculars to look)

James: ooh that Gym is loaded with poison pokemon we hit the jack pot

Meouth: well then what the hell are we waiting for lets go (they sneak clocer to the gym for closer view)

Ash: Bulbasaur use tackle

Bulbasaur: bulbasaur (Bulbasaur comes charging at Venonat)

Iya: Venonat jump and use stun spore

Venonat: venonat (Venonat does so and lets out some spores at Bulbasaur)

Ash: Bulbasaur blow it away

Bulbasaur: bulbasaur (Bulbasaur takes a breath and blows the spores away over back to Venonat)

Iya: ok Venonat dodge that and use Psybeam

Venonat: venonat (Venonat dodges the spores and then lets out a purple beam at Bulbasaur and hits him in the head, blood comes out from Bulbasaurs head and gets a little dizzy)

Ash: Bulbasaur try to shake it off then use Vine Whip

Bulbasaur: bulbasaur (Bulbasaur manages to shake the headace off and sends out vines at Venonat)

Iya: dodge them now

Venonat: venonat (Venonat dodges them by jumping high into the air)

Ash: now we got him Bulbasaur Leach Seed

Bulbasaur: bulba (Bulbasaur sends out a small seed out that hits Venonat then some vines come out from the seed wraping around Venonat then they squeeze Venonat so hard blood comes out from all over)

Iya: oh damnet Venonat return, you almost killed my Venonat it's obvous you have won (a Voltorb appears from behind and explodes on them and after the smoke clears a man is seen from behind Iya)

Man: Iya what the hell do you think your doing?

Iya: oh big brother

Brock: oh why your her brother (runs up to this man) oh why you have a very nice sister yes and i was wondering is i could have her sleep with me tonight... (Misty hits Brock in the head with a large mallet then drags him away once again)

Misty: common you pervert

Brock: why?

Man: anyway she is not the real Gym leader

Ash: then who the hell is?

Man: me, i am the Fusha City Gym leader Koga is it a battle you want?

Ash: yes yes i want a battle

Koga: very well and if you win you will earn this badge (pulls out a scroll and then opens it revealing a heart shaped badge) it's a soul badge if you beat me it's yours

Ash: fine by me, Pidgeotto go

Pidgeotto: pidgeot pidgeot

Koga: Venonant go

Venonant: venonant

Ash: damn another one of those bastards? (Venonant then evolves into a Venomoth) crap

Venomoth: venomoth

Koga: now Venomoth Stun Spore

Ash: Pidgeotto use Whirlwind to blow it away

Pidgeotto: pidgeot (Venomoth sends out spores and Pidgeotto tries as hard as he can to blow them away but to no success and manages to stun Pidgeotto)

Koga: now Venomoth use Sleep Powder

Venomoth: venomoth (Venomoth sends out a series of sleeping drugs that hit Pidgeotto and Pidgeotto tries to resist but blood then starts shooting out of his eyes and can't help but sleep and falls to the ground)

Ash: damnet, damnet all Pidgeotto returtn, Charmander go

Charmander: char char

Koga: ha that little bastard fine by me Venomoth use Stun Spore

Ash: Charmander Flamethrower

Charmander: charrrr (Charmander sends out a large flame and Venomoth sends out more spores and the to hit and end in a draw then the ceiling crashes)

Ash: what the hell (two people wearing japanese komonos are seen)

Jessie: If anyone asks us this or that,

James: The answer we'll give is society's sympathy,

Jessie: To prevent world destruction

James: To protect world peace

Jessie: We hold the evils of love and truth

James: We're lovely people

Jessie: Jessie

James: James

Jessie: Wagering the galaxy we're Team Rocket

James: A white hall we're waiting for a white tomorrow!

Meowth: that's right

Ash: what the hell do you want?

Meouth: we demand that you give us all the poison pokemon in this gym

Ash: no way go to hell

Meouth: then you leave me no choice guys get them (Jessie and James try to move but are not able to because of how tight the komono's are)

Jessie: d-damnet

James: crap

Meouth: oh just take the damn things off

Jessie: oh right (they take off the komono's) now Arbok go

James: Weezing come on out

Arbok: chabok

Weezing: weezing weez

Koga: listen Ash lets hold off the battle and get rid of these intruders

Ash: right Charmander go

Koga: Venomoth you to

Iya: Venonat you go help them to

Jessie: ha ha ha not this time (Jessie and James then throw some webby stuff at Charmander, Venomoth, and Venonat and the stuff sticks onto them and make them unable to move)

Charmander: char char

Venonat: veno

Venomoth: moth

Ash: damnet, what the hell is that stuff? Pikachu go get them

Pikachu: pika (Pikachu then jumps over to the floor ready to attack)

Jessie: oh not so fast (Jessie throws some more webby stuff at Pikachu and stops him from moving)

Pikachu:pika chuuu (Pikachu tries to shock the webby stuff but it does nothing)

Jessie: oh come on did you realy think that after dealing with you so many time that we would forget to have this stuff shock proof?

Ash: damn you to hell

Misty: Starmie come on out (Misty gets redy to throw the pokeball containing Starmie but then Psyduck pops out from her backpack and Misty gets real mad) gggrrr PSYDUCK YOU DUMBASS YOUR NAMES NOT STARMIE I CALLED FOR STARMIE NOT YOU UUG THEY OUTA CALL YOU PSYF*** (Misty stops yelling) Ash could you check your pokedex to see what attacks Psyduck can use?

Ash: uh ok (pulls out pokedex)

Dextor: Psyduck attack #1 scratch

Misty: ok Psyduck scratch attack

Psyduck: psy (Psyduck runs charging after Arbok with his nails and tries to scratch Arbok but it does little to nothing and Psyduck ends up cutting itself and blood goes dripping down his hand) psy

Jessie: uh what the hell was that?

Misty: damnet Ash what other attacks does Psyduck know?

Ash: lets see

Dextor: Psyduck attacks #2 tail whip

Misty: ok Psyduck tail whip attack now

Psyduck: psy (Psyduck then walks over to Arbok and turns his back on him and starts to wag his tail back and forth)


Koga: humm i guess u leave me no choice (Koga then pulls a cord and a bunch of round ball shaped objects fall down from the ceiling and roll over towards Team Rocket)

Meouth: what the hell are there things?

Jessie: i have no clue

James: uh i think i know what they are and it's not a good thing cause there Voltorb

Meouth: Voltorb? (right then the Voltorb Explode on them and create enough of a distraction for Ash and the others to hide)

Koga: here this way (Koga opens a door leading them to another room and they all go inside)

Ash: damnet i can't get this stuff off (Ash then keeps trying to get the webby stuff off Charmander and Pikachu but to no luck)

Misty: umm is it just me or does it seem like the floor is moving?

Ash: ya now that i think about it your right

Koga: thats because this room is built that way to keep intruders out

Ash: oh (just then Team Rocket burst in and Meouth who is now holding a Voltorb taking advantage of the fact that the room is tilted down on the side Ash and the others are at rolls the Voltorb over towards them and the Voltorb explodes on them causing Psyduck to start running back and forth out of control and starting to develop a massive headache)

Psyduck: psy psy iy iy psyyyyyy

Misty: oh no Psyduck return (Misty tries to call back Psyduck but due to Psyducks runing back and forth causes the beam of light from the pokeball to miss and Psyduck continues to run back and forth) damnet

Psyduck: psy psy iy iy psyyyyyy

Meouth: will you shut the hell up (Meouth then goes over and kicks Psyduck in the head so hard that blood comes flying out from Psyduck)

Psyduck: psyyyy (Psyduck then starts to glow a blue glow then sends Meouth back over to Jessie and James then immoblizes them in their place)

Misty: woa what the hell was that?

Dextor: when Psyduck obtains a big enough headache it is able to use psychic powers in attacks like disable and confusion

Misty: wow alright now Psyduck use confusion and send them flyin

Psyduck: psy-duuuuuuck (psyduck then sends Team Rocket flying out the window and into the sky)

Team Rocket: Yanna Kanji!!! (Psyduck then still glowing causes the webby stuff on the other pokemon to dessolve away, Psyduck then stops glowing and falls down to sleep)

Misty: wow Psyduck i didn't know you had that kind of power (Misty then returns Psyduck to the pokeball and everyone else also returns all their pokemon to their pokeballs, except for Pikachu of course)

Koga: i am very grateful that you stopped those crooks, and i would like to trade you my Venomoth for that Psyduck

Iya: or my Venonat

Koga: well what do you say?

Misty: hell no, i wouldn't give up my Psyduck for anything

Ash: yeah she would more likely give up being a vergen before she give up her Psyduck

Misty: very funny (Misty thens flips off Ash)

Brock: *whispering to Ash* uuh didn't you alredy take that away from her from all those times you talked her into sleeping with you?

Ash: *whispering back* yeah but don't tell her

Koga: say that reminds me, Ash we still need to finish that battle

Ash: oh right

Koga: listen how about we finish the battle outside?

Ash: fine by me (they all head outside)

Koga: Golbat go (koga sends out a Golbat)

Golbat: gol bat gol bat

Ash: woa a Golbat, alright then Charmander i choose you

Charmander: char char

Koga: Golbat use screetch attack on Charmander

Golbat: gol bat (Golbat then creats a loud screetch that is aimed right at Charmander)

Ash: aah damnet that screetch is so loud (Ash as well as Brock, Misty, and Pikachu all plug there ears due to the screetch attack)

Charmander: char char (Charmander plugs his ears to but blood then comes streaming out his ears)

Ashh: err charmander use flamethrower on Golbat

Charmander: chaaarrrr (Charmander still distracted buy the screetch sends out the flame without looking and ends up burning Brock instead but does manage to stop Golbat for a second)

Brock: ouch

Ash: hey wait (Ash notices that Charmanders flamethrower did manage th hit the bottom of one of Golbats wings and stoping Golbat in place) quick Charmander use firespin before Golbat egets a chance to escape

Charmander: charrr (charmander then realaces what appears to be a tornado made of fire right at Golbat

Koga: Golbat you gotta get out of the way of that attack before it hits you

Golbat: gol bat gol bat (golbat starts to try to move but the small fire on the bottom of Golbats wing slows him down so golbat tries to put it out but buy the time Golbat gets it out the flaming twister surounds him) gol bat gol bat (Golbat then tries to blow the fire around him with his wings but the fire ends up getting clocer and clocer then squeezes golbat and Golbat is then seen burning in flames around him , Golbat then falls to the ground with blood all over the ground were he is on)

Koga: oh crap Golbat return (Golbat is returned to the pokeball) well Ash it looks like you have won and for that i award you this Soul Badge (Koga walks over to Ash and hands over the heart shaped badge)

Ash: alright i got a Soul Badge (Ash then does that pose were he holds out the gym badge in front of him and then puts it away with the other badges) that makes six of them

Pikachu: pi pikachu

Ash: now i only need to kick the asses of two more gym leaders and i will be able to enter the pokemon league

Koga: good luck on your journey and be sure to win your fights in the future

Ash: alright then, Sayonara bye bye* (Ash, Brock, and Misty then leave on there way to the next place)

Narratior: and so Ash and friends continue on their journey, who knows what... oh the hell with this look something will happan next episode *voice fades* i need a cigerrete this job is a pain in the ass

*common way in japan of saying goodbye

the end

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