episode 21, Abra and the Psychic Pokémon

(first the opeaning song starts)

Ash: aw damnet were lost again
Brock: hey look theres a little girl over there lets ask her for directions
Ash: good idea hey kid (runs toward her then she dissapears) what the hell aaahhh (falls off a cliff) crap Bulbasaur use vine whip to pull me back up (throws the pokeball so it is at the top of the cliff and Bulbasaur comes out)
Bulbasaur: bulbasaur (two vines come out and he helps Ash up)
Ash: thanks Bulbasaur your a real life saver
Bulbasaur: bulba
Ash: oh right here you go (takes out a pack of cigerrets and puts one in Bulbasaurs mouth and lights it up for him)
Bulbasaur: bulba saur
Ash: ok now Bulbasaur return (Ash calls him back to the pokeball) damn that was close, hey the fogs clearing up i see the city lets go (they get over to the Saffron City gates were two girls are there to great them)
girl 1: congratulations your the millonth person to come to Saffron City so come on to get your prize
Ash: uh ok
girl 2: well come on (they follow them into a building)
Ash: so weres the prize?
girl 1: right here (grabs Pikachu and pushes the three onto a tile that telaports them to a different room)
Ash: who the hell are you guys?
girls: ha ha ha (a large tv screen with them pulling their masks to revel they're Team Rocket)
Jessie: If anyone asks us this or that,
James: The answer we'll give is society's sympathy,
Jessie: To prevent world destruction
James: To protect world peace
Jessie: We hold the evils of love and truth
James: We're lovely people
Jessie: Jessie
James: James
Jessie: Wagering the galaxy we're Team Rocket
James: A white hall we're waiting for a white tomorrow!
Meowth: that's right
three: Team Rocket
Jessie: and look whos got your Pikachu
Pikachu: pi ka chuuu (Pikachu tries to shock them but there wearing rubber gloves
Ash: damnet, how the hell do i get out?
James: you don't the only way out is through the teloportation tiles
Misty: damn you guys
Ash: oh ya then lets just try the tiles till we get there (Ash flips them off then they step on one of the tiles but they end up on another room) $H!t comon (they continue trying tiles but keep failing not noticing a little girl over were Team Rocket is)
Jessie: oh well how did you get over here little girl?
girl: ... (a blue glow shines around her and Pikachu and Pikachu is forced out of their hands then the girl and Pikachu disapear)
James: what the hell just happened?
Jessie: i'm not sure
Ash: what the (the girl holding Pikachu appears in front of them)
girl: i believe this is yours (holds Pikachu up to Ash)
Ash: uh ya thanks i realy owe you one
Girl: no problem (she then disapears)
Ash: great now how the hell do we get?
Brock: why don't we just go through that door that says exit?
Ash: good idea (they do so and end up outside again) hey excuse me sir (spots a man smoking a pipe while looking at porn) do you know were the gym in this city is?
man: why yes i do follow (they follow him to a gym)
Ash: so were is the gym leader?
man: ha ha you don't stand a chance in hell agenst Sabrina
Ash: hey how the hell do you know that?
man: because you must know telekinesis
Ash: telekiwhatis?
man: no dumbass telekinesis watch (pulls out a spoon and purple energy appears around the man and the spoon and after breaking a sweat the spoon bends a little)
Ash: ha well i have my own way of bending spoons (takes the spoon and bends it the rest of the way by hand) it's all about guts if you got no guts then you got no nuts
Man: very well i will take you to her (he goes to a door that says Sabrina in japanese) hey Sabrina theres a trainer how thinks he can kick your ass (the chair turns around to reveal it's the little girl from earler)
Ash: hey your that girl that saved Pikachu thanks again (he is wondering if this girl is Sabrina)
Sabrina: no problem and yes i am in fact Sabrina the gym leader, (she can read minds, shes psychic) now about the battle if you beat me you will get the Marsh Badge
Ash: ok
Sabrina: but if you lose you and your friends will have to play with me
Ash: sure i'll have sex with you even though your a bit young for that if thats what you mean
Sabrina: whatever *thinking* pervert *end thinking* now onto battle Abra go (lets an Abra out)
Abra: ab ra
Ash: whats that? (pulls out Pokedex)
Dextor: dumbass it's an Abra just don't let it fool you cause it may look asleap but it's not
Ash: great Pikachu go
Pikachu: pika
Sabrina: ok Abra i think it's time to evolve (Abra starts to evolve into a Kadabra)
Ash: what the hell is going on?
Dextor: your screwed
Kadabra: kadabra
Ash: Pikachu thundershock now
Sabrina: Kadabra psychic now (Pikachu tries to shock Kadabra but Kadabra using psychic powers makes the shock go right back to Pikachu shocking him with his own attack)
Ash: damnet Pikachu are you ok?
Pikachu: pika (nods yes)
Sabrina: now Kadabra use psychic again (Kadabra makes Pikachu glow and starts to rise above the floor and starts to hit the ceiling then falling down leaving more blood on the ceiling and floor each time)
Ash: Pikachu, stop i quit
Sabrina: then you have to play with me (they all get telaported to what looks like a town)
Ash: were the hell are we?
Misty i don't know but we better run
Ash: why? (turns his head and sees a giant Sabrina with a giant bowling ball) oh that *screeming* run *end screeming*
Sabrina: you will play with me (rolls it toward them)
three: Ahh (sudenly that man we saw previously teloports here)
Man: quick hold on (they all hold on and are teloported back to outside Saffron City on their heads)
Sabrina: oh well it was fun while it lasted
the three of them and the man: wwwwwwwoooooaaaa (they fall face first on the ground)
Ash: damnet that hurt
Man: now do you see why you can't beat her?
Ash: ya but how the hell do i beat her ass?
Man: you must catch a ghost pokemon in Lavender Town
Ash: oh realy wow thanks, comon guys lets go (they run out headed to Lavender Town)
man: (thinking) i wonder if this kid can actualy save Sabrina

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