Difference - 6/12/03

Hey oh!!! Hehe! I havnt written in a long time but Iv been bugged by lots of people. Hoi! So Yeah. Shane is happy! I put up a linky if j00 people wanna link me. I met new people. Well Kinda. I have been talking to Jared a little bit. And A kind a *God Im good* Ran into his journal. I wanna poste ONE thing!

"Something I've always done is offered everyone a shoulder to cry on. It's always been alright, in second grade I even opened my own little "psychology office" or something similar. People always come up to me and they have something they need to talk about, even if only to vent.

I sat here and tried to figure out why people actually did come to me and it finally clicked- I've always made sure as I listened they knew I was on their side. I've never really been trying to do the best thing for them, only to make them happy even if only temporary, you know, only telling them what they want to hear. I've decided not to do that anymore. I've realized really that I don't care. I just really don't care about other peoples problems. I don't want to hear them, be them minor or gigantic. I, of course, don't intend on running to anyone else with my problems, that would be unfair. Not to mention they probably don't care either. The only way anyone can really solve a problem is to do it on their own."
----Writen in Jareds journal.

Oh my god! Thats brilliant! I mean, I do tell some people to talk to me. But some others just DO. Like its cool for Kaze to talk to me and Lauren to talk to me. I have my few other people, but I can't think right now. Hermmm...
My Lauren has been going through tough times. Well GRRRR.. SHe shouldnt be. Right then she was so happy, and she got torn from it. But I know everything will come for the best...
Gawd, Iv been so bored lately. I even went through the DDRei forums and found DDRKevins journal and read the whole freaking thing. Than thats how I ran into Jareds. Oh jeeze. So yeah, sorry people I know everything about you but Iv never met you, sept Jared I met once.. wait... twice. Yeaahh, him at Rockys then him at JACON.
Lately Iv been obbsessed with Kingdom Hearts Videos. I love the opening. Sora and Riku are so kawaii together! My brain is going to explode. I actully feel hated for some reason. My chest has been burning and Iv been getting these weird depression flashes. Its 6am and I havnt gone to bed yet. I dont think I will be.
Rejected Is one of the coolest videos in the world. You should ALL check it out if you havnt... MY SPOON IS TO BIG!... Yeah... And if you dont find that funny. I wanna see you trying not to laugh through Chin2. Iv downloaded all the Chins. Its so funny.
Yeah, Kaze is still my bestest friend. Oh speaking of friends, boy was I fooled~! Lizz... my friend... Let me get some anger out and over with. OKAY! It happened like this. I called her house and said, "Hello, is Lizz there." And her mom answers, "Um.. No shaes at Sarah's". Im Like "Uhh... She is...?" And shes like "Yeah, who is this." And I say "Sarah..." And she goes "Shes not over there?" And Im like "Uhh.. no" And she goes "She just called saying she was at your house" So I said "Well If I hear from her Ill let you know." So I get back online, about 20 minutes later, this happens:
Zer0 H3ro: shane say i went over to your house
XxVincilagniaxX: To late
XxVincilagniaxX: -.-;
Zer0 H3ro: please shane
Zer0 H3ro: say you were doing it to mess around
XxVincilagniaxX: I just talked to your mom
Zer0 H3ro: say u were just joking
XxVincilagniaxX: Where the fuck are you
Zer0 H3ro: at my house
XxVincilagniaxX: Im not lieing for you
XxVincilagniaxX: WHERE were you
Zer0 H3ro: i was at the park then i went to woodys
Zer0 H3ro: please shane
Zer0 H3ro: hiy shane
XxVincilagniaxX: O_o
Zer0 H3ro: shane
XxVincilagniaxX: I am not lieing for you
Zer0 H3ro: wasn't i there shane?
Zer0 H3ro: lieing??
Zer0 H3ro: dad wants to know
XxVincilagniaxX: ...Im going to block you for a little while...
XxVincilagniaxX: Dont use me

Kinda funny how things turn out, huh? Ooooh, another person I just started talking to: Scott. Hes SOOOO awsome. We have the same interest in guys. Its really funny. First of all, both of our boyfriends are asain. But, my boyfriends name is Huy which sounds like Whe (Yes in french) and his boyfriends name is Hai (Yes in Japanese) Se we call ourselves "The people that like 'yes'".
DDR = Gawd I suck. Im trying so hard to get better. Iv herd of all these really good DDRers like Kaze, Matt300, Kidd Jimmy, Kevin and alot more. Even Venassa I herd was pretty good. I wanna be in the little "Cool DDR person group" *sniffle* Hehe. Oh well. My team roxors anyways. Even though that teams dont even madder anymore, its only for fun (If Adrian will ever get it).
Oh yeaah, Then theres Josh! He was sopposed to visit me yesterday, but Tika didnt give him the right directions. Ugh... Or something. He got mad at for me, because I wanted him to meet me at an arcade. But he didnt understand that Im scared of meeting people from the online. Its so weird and goofy. Im afraid Ima get beat up or something. Herm. *shrug*
Hummm... Stitch came over and visited me, wowers. Thats weird. On his own free will. Hmm.. Tenchi hasnt visited me in a while. Prolly busy with work, or at Dana. Hes gunna go to the next con with me though ^_^!
I need choclate...

Song: Kingdom Hearts Intro
Anime Character(s) at the moment: Riku + Sora
Anger thought: Lizz
Happy thought: I love my Huy
Nutral thought: My computer
Other: HAHAH I want more choclate...

Ja ne,
