Present 4 - 5/05/03

Yet again, Im getting kind of sad again! Its great that all these people are trying o make me feel better, I really do appriciate it... I'm noticeing who my true friends are and it helps alot. I almost got a few people confussed as friends. Im starting to want to hang out with Lita more because I have a feeling I do then we'll become friends...
I have been hanging out with Kurai again... I feel strange...
People do in fact treat me diffrent from the rest of the world and i wish they didnt... Oh well, one day I'll get used to it... I have a song of my mood and its Dir en Grey's Yokan... I made sure to paste the english translation to the bottom of the entry...
Yet again to make myself feel better I started drawing like a maniac... Nothing I could do. So I drew something from my past. Sarah Shane of the Aku. Long story actully.. Well long story short, me and my friends had a Gundam Wing fan fic and I made the main character... I havnt drawin her since I drew everything in squares.
So yeah...
Now I guess Ill get into the Hao story... It just happened a few weeks ago...
Touya came over along with another of of my friends, we went of to Skulds house. But then I had the bright idea of "Wow, I want my Diablo II discs back. So skated myself along with Touya and my friend to Hao's house. I havnt seen the fucker in a long time.. I HATE HIM. I wish I never ever had to see him again.
So I eneded up at his door way talking to his mother, and she said "Oh come back in a hour." SO we left. Meanwhile, I spoke to Touya and he said that he didn't want to know about my bad past, so I respected that.
An hour later I go back to Hao's house to talk to his mom, and she said he was at his best friends house. Of cource I sighed and asked if she could get in touch, which she did. I ended up talking to Hao and he told me to meet him at a gas place.
Like 30 minutes later he FINALLY shows up. High as hell with his 2 loser friends that couldnt even walk straight. I gawked and asked Hao "Where are my discs?" And He said "You hafta go back to my friends house to get them." So I made Touya and my friend walk to Hao's friends house. Sat on the front pourch and waited... waited... waited... Untill the kids mom came home and kicked everyone out. So I didnt get my discs.
While we were sitting there, I stood next to Touya waiting, watching them smoke their brains out with not only cigeretts but pot, lots and LOTS of pot. it made me sick... "Hey Touya... You know Undefined there used to be a big druggy..." Hao said laughing "SHUT UP!" I yelled at him. "Oh but you were" He said. "It dosnt madder," Touya said sticking up for me. I know he didnt wanna hear any of this.
"So Undefined, you want some," he handed a blunt twords me. "No.." I said weakly. I just wanted to leave and cry.. I didnt even care about the discs anymore. I just never wanted to see that ass hole again. When I asked Touya if we can just leave, my friend walked up and whispered in my ear "Your wanting the discs isnt the point, we came here by rights" So I was stuck.
Way later, Hao decided we hafta go back to his house to get HIS discs so that I can have them back. So yet again I skated all the way back to Hao's house. He found the CD's and handed them to me. And while Touya was playing around, he pulled me aside and said, "Dont you think that Touya kid is a little weird for you?" He said cackleing. And I said "You dont know me." I grabbed the discs and started out, saying "Sayonara" On the way out...
Yeah... I hate that kid... I dont dream meny people.. BUT HIM... If I could get away with murder, I'd KILL him. He fucked up my life... Its all his fault!!!

Dir en Grey - Yokan (English translation)

I'm still playing with you today, you're not noticing anything
An absolute zero frozen love

Silent you, silent love, silent feelings
Silent me, silent love, silent feelings

You, you aren't noticing anything,
Slowly, you have showed me your frozen love

Quiet you, quiet love, I have killed my feelings
Quiet me, quiet love, quiet...

I can't change, this silent love can't change
Quietly, quietly, it's surrounding us

A silent love, a quiet heart
Hurtin my heart
A silent heart, a quiet heart
Even if you play with my heart

Since I notice you
I just want to be closed to you

I finally embraced you
I didn't know it would be the last time...

