Shanie is Back- 6/06/03

The guy on the right is Jared... they were cosplaying as the guys from Yatta- taken at Jacon by JOE... As most of you read in the begining, I am now starting out all over again! ^_^! I am Shane! Yup! And all my secret named people are as listed.
Killua - Kaze
Skuld - Lizz
Kurai - Jenn
Vash - Carlos
Sanosoke - Tenchi
Lita - Ny
Inyu - Huy
Touya - Stitch
Shido - Yellow Shirt Kid
Kenshin - Chris

And as for everyone else, they dont madder, I dont think ^_^! SO yeah, Here I am, glueing my life back together. I met some new people.. I went to Jacon, best time in my life actully... I love the aura... Everyone there is so kind. Im going to ever con I pissible can from now on. It made me truely happy. I met all the best DDRers around ^_^! And Kaze was with me most of the time.
I did come to one problem... Yeah... Stitch. Figure, eh? We talked about it, and I finnaly got to say what was in my mind for the longest time... "You wernt there for me. I needed you. My life was falling apart and you were to busy... With things you coulda easily escape and talk to me for 5 measly minutes." I felt so much better. But at the moment Stitch is STILL giveing me the drama. I told he tonight "Just DROP it". Hopefully he'll get the hint.
So.. some people that I have met. Paul- He was freakin awsome, he'll be like my new con buddy~! I gave him my s/n so its all gravy. Matt300, Kid Jimmy and the rest of the Rocky's crew- I only talked to them for a short time, they seem pretty cool. And last Jared- Amazeingly interesting story actully, I met him on AIM then met him in person and my first thought was "What a dick head, hes such a loser..." Then I came home, talked to him online a bit.. and comes to find he is QUITE a musician! I mean really. He is a really cool guy. Id like to become friends with him, if thats ever possible. He dose seem a bit depressed, but hey, Im not that happiest person in the world.
SO yeah, Im sick of my lieing, Im going to be realistic now... Herm, Im going back to drawing... Oh yeah! DIR EN GREY! Im more obbsessed than ever~! I bought this DVD/VCD thing, OMG! Its so great... I love it! I like, watch it 20 times a day... And Im getting the rest of the CD's and Im getting the shirts X_x! ANywho, now that everyone knows me MY AIM is XxVincilagniaxX...
Song of the Day: Yatta
Saying of the day: Im a banana (I herd Kaze say it alot -.-)
Food of the day: Rocky Road ice cream
Drink of the day: Gaterade -.-
MOvie I saw with Kaze: Bruce Almighty (Really funny, I had alot of fun)

Oh one more thing.... I am almost at beleive that the only persons I trust 100% Is Kaze and Huy... Herm... Sorry to the rest of you.. But my grudges grow... You all know what you did, but they can be easily fixed with time... :)!

Ja ne,
