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~Ky's Page~

Just a note... any pictures you find on this site was probably found by me. So if you see a picture on this page and the exact same one is on the site somewhere, i.e. Connor's page, it was found by me, not him. He can go suck a lemon.

Hey! Welcome to my own little section of Team U.K. I'm Ky. At least, that's what everyone calls me. My real name is Kyla O'Donnell, I'm 15 years old and I've lived in Terrace all my life in the same house all my life. Well, unless you count the little apartment I lived in for like a year or something when I saw five, but I don't remember that. Ya, must sound pretty sad, living here all my life, but hey, I like it. All my friends are here, and that's all that matters. To me, anyway.

A little bit about me

Well, as I said, I'm 15 years old and I attend Skeena Jr. Secondary with all my friends -- except the friends I have in Thornhill and Cal, but I'll be joining them in Cal next year. CAN'T WAIT! -- including fellow Team U.K. members Connor, Charlee and Garion. I started Team U.K. with them as a CaPP project and I'm having a lot of fun with it^^ I hope you are, too.

I love listening to music in my spare time. Some of my favourite groups are Linkin Park -- my absolute fav -- Stutterfly, AFI, SOAD, Three Days Grace, 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Swollen Members are alright, and a bunch of just random songs, you know, stuff like that.

I also like just hanging out with my friends, but hey, who doesn't?

I practically live for acting and I am an active member in the TLT Youth Group, which is kinda self-explanitory. We are currently working on a play titled "Shakespear's Ghost" and it will be performed June 18 and 19 with night showings only. Tickets will go on sale soon, so get yours for $12 at Uniglobe Curtesy Travel in Terrace. If you don't have a ticket, you can buy one at the door, but you are not guaranteed a seat.

Click the picture to go the the TLT homepage.

I also LOVE to write and I'm working on a novel called "Crayons, Fingerpaint and Highschool." It's novel in the works about a girl who moves from a small town in Western Ireland to a large city in BC, Canada. In her rush to fit in, she falls into the wrong crowd and is soon consumed by drugs and stuff like that. When she meets three teenagers Naomi, Daniel, and Michael, they try to turn her life around. While battling depression, drug addiction and her father's drinking problem, she learns what friendship--TRUE friendship-- means. Just when it seems that she might be able to throw off all the bad stuff in her life, a tragic accident tears her and Michael apart. Without him there, will she be able to go on with her life as a normal teenager? As I said before, it's in the works, but it should be pretty good when I finish it. IF I finish it, that is...

Here's a link to my other non-Team U.K. site, officially owned and operated by me. It's gone through a huge change and I don't have much time to update, but ya.

Kyla Unleashed