
A tale of a Transexual that became a Vampire
part I
Lilith was happy. She had been to her doctor that day and she checked out with no problems. She was now scheduled for the last surgery to remove all of her manhood. All that was left to do was reconstruck her penis into a vagina. The surgery was for next week. The excitement over this was bubbling within her and she just had to release it somehow. Her dream and desire to be female was soon to become true.

So going out tonight was surely a must. She stood at her closet and wondered what to wear. That was part of the fun of dressing up. It really didn't take long to decide, so out came a pink blouse and leather miniskirt. Cupping her breast she wondered if she should wear a bar or not. Being a B-cup wasn't all that impressive, but she had wonderful nipples that always caught peoples eyes when she went braless. If she wore a bra she could put in enhancers so she could look like she was a C-cup. She thought over this a few moments while carressing her nipples and of course the nipples won. The natural look was on for tonight. After getting dressed she sat down at he vanity and brushed out her long black wavy hair which hung down to the middle of her back. Then she spent at least 45 minutes doing her make-up. She was almost ready to go. All that was left was to put on her newest black high heels that she bought that day right after her appointment with her doctor. She felt great and wanted to go out dancing.

Lilith left early. She didn't feel like being at home. She had to be out. She went to a nice cozy street side restaurant and had a salad. She got a table next to the big front window where she ate slowly and watched the customers and also see out the window and watch people walking down the street. She stayed there until it got dark.

The Raven was a new club in town. It had only been open just a few months and tonight was the third time that Lilith went there. It apealed to her inner morbid fantasies. Vampires were the theme. The place looked dark and forboding as one approached. The front had the appearance of an old stone castle. Inside was pure dark gothic. It was a museum of midieval but fake torturous items. People either came there dressed as vampires or possible victims for vampires. And most of their drinks looked like some form of blood.

It was still early and the dance crowd wasn't there yet. She sat at the bar and ordered a drink. As she drank she watched the few people that were there. Suddenly she realized that someone was sitting next to her at the bar. There was something about her that made her want to smell her. She drew in a deep breath slowly through her nose. She felt that there was supposed to be something special in this smell, but it alluded her. She turned her head and saw what she felt was the the most attractive pale woman she had ever seen. She was dressed to give the impression of a vampire, but wasn't wearing black. Just deep dark colors. Her hair was very long and very black. The woman was not looking directly at Lilith, but Lilith knew she was watching her. Lilith felt her heart beating with excitement.

"I see that you like to watch people" her voice was deep and sultry with a mesmerizing affect. Lilith felt desire for her growing strongly inside of herself for this woman. Lilith wanted to say that she did like to watch people, but found she could not speak. Then the lady turned her head and their eyes met. Lilith felt her will slip away as the lady took her hand and led her to a dark booth in the far back of the club.

In the booth Lilith laid her head on the womans breast and listened to her heart beating. The lady stroked her hair carressed her until she fell asleep. Then the dreams began. In them everything was fast paced and in a blur. The woman carried her effortlessly through the woods. Then they were laying next to a large old oak tree. The woman took her with mad passion. She tried to talk and tell that she wasn't completely female yet, but still she could not speak. She felt herself becomeing aroused in a way she had not ever felt. The woman was kissing, carressing squeezing and stripping her. Soon she was naked and completly exposed under this woman with a passion and animal wildness driving her.

What kind of woman was this. The excitement that flowed from her filled Lilith and made her feel that the woman was giving her some of her beauty. The woman used her whole body to carress and entice Lilith. They were both naked and neither took from the other. It was like giving completely. Lilith's nipples and manhood were very hard. Then the woman mounted her and then it was like she went savage. She even looked up at the moon and howled. For the first moment in this dream Lilith began to feel fear.

Lilith could feel the fear mixing with her passion. It was unlike anything she had felt before. She wanted what she felt she was being brought to, yet feared it as well. It was like somewhere in the back of her mind she knew what this woman was. But her subconcous was too scared to let her know what she knew deep down. Then the moment came. Where her body was taken over completely by that deep animal exctasy that people plainly call an orgasm. As Lilith was taken by this, the woman snarled as she descended on her neck and bit deeply into her. The pain and the ecstasy mixed and suddenly her subconcous could no longer hide the truth. But that knowledge did not last long, for Lilith soon swooned and darkness fill her thoughts as she bacame unconcous.

part II
The sun was harsh in Lilith's eyes. She turned her head away from it and realized her head was not on her pillow. She reached slowly around herself to find it and found she was not in her bed. She felt terrible and groaned. She lay there a moment wishing she were in her bed yet knowing that if she got up and moved that she would probably get sick in her stomach. She lay still for a bit longer and then slowly rolled over. That simple movement made her ache all over. When she opened her eyes, she had too cover them because the sun coming in through her balcony sliding doors was brighter than usuall. She noticed that the sliding door was open and she was just inside of it. She looked at herself and wondered if she had been mugged during the night. She picked up her purse and searched it and found nothing missing. Just doing that almost made her give up her stomach.

After a moment of resting she slowly began to crawl to the bathroom. While laying on the cool floor of the bathroom she took off her clothes with much effort. It seemed like it took hours to get undressed. Then she started some hot bath water. and sat on the toilet. Usually this time in the morning she had to use the toilet, but she found that she didn't.

Then she did a horrorfying thing. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror over the sink. She screamed and fell to the floor. Her eyes wide and her body shivering with terror. She slowly calmed down, not believing what she saw. She rose up and looked again. Dreading what she may see. And when she saw, she began to cry. She had dried blood all around her mouth and down her chin and throut. Then she saw that on her neck was more dried blood and it ran all down her left breast. The thought that came to her was so unreal that she could not accept it. She picked up her shirt and looked at it. There was no blood on it. She quickly got in the tub and washed off the evidence of what she dared not believe.

The rest of the day was terrible. In times past when she felt sick or had a hangover, she would lay on the couch in the sunlight, but today the sun felt like it was taking what little strength she left in her. She spent most of the morning in her bedroom with the curtains closed. By that afternoon the sun had moved to the other side of the building and she was able to move around some. She was hungry, but the only things she was able to eat were fresh fruits. But it still was not satisfying. She tried to sleep, but it was filled with horrible dreams mixed with that woman from the bar seducing her and bloodfeasting orgies.

She kept her curtains closed all day and the lights out. Then when evening came she finally began to feel better. It was almost as if she could feel the sun giving up the day.

It was so strange to be able to feel that the sun was no longer shining where she lived. She didn't want to admit it, but she could not deny it. Once the sun was down, she felt as if she had not felt sick at all during the day. She decided to get dressed and see if she really was feeling better. She went to her lingerie drawer and pulled out a matching bra and panties. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and put on the bra first. She slipped it behind her and fastened it under her breasts and then moved it around so that the cups were in front. She slipped her right arm into the strap and she froze. The b-cup bra was way too small. She took the bra off and dropped it to the floor. She then got a C-cup out and put it on. It was very snug as if she was almost the next cup size. She then took her breasts, one in each hand and squeesed them. It was almost unbelievable to her but they had surely grown.

She sat there at the edge of her bed fondling her breast when a smell came to her. It was a scent that she had smelled before. The scent became stronger and she knew it was coming closer. She looked to her bedroom door and watched the woman from the bar walk into her bedroom. Immediately she felt that desire for her just like the night before. The woman came and stood before her, reached down and took her hand and helped her stand up. She spoke, "I am Shandrella." Her accent was foriegn and old. And then she kissed Lilith.

part III
After the long passionate kiss Shandrella looked into Lilith's eyes and spoke deeply to her, "You are mine. I gave you life like you have never beheld before. You will obey my every whim and desire." Lilith heard and felt what she said. Her emotions were flying wildly inside of her. She knew what she heard was true, but wasn't completely accepting it.

"I can see deep into you. Your soul knows my words are true, but your mind still needs to learn. I will train you to be a truely supioror vampiress like I am, but you must obey me and when you don't or when you balk in your training I will punish you. For even though you are stronger and swifter than before, you can be killed by the hunters."

"What have you done to me?" Lilith asked tremously.

"Transformed you into a new being. A vampire. You are now as you are. Never to age or wither or die!"

Lilith took a moment to think on this and then a thought came to her. She didn't want to think this thought. As night had come on she found that she was liking the changes to herself, but now she saw that the one change she had worked toward was possibly now out of reach.

Confusion in her heart came forth and Shandrella saw this clearly. She locked eyes with Lilith, "You are mine and I will teach you all that you need, but remember it is a narrow path that will lead to wonderful wonders. You had a desire to transform and were doing so, but now a new transformation has come to you. One that you will find so much better and has more freedom. Being what you are now, will have advantages that no other vampire has ever had before." A smile filled Shandrella's face before she spoke again, "You may have abilities that no other vampire has ever shown because of what your desire for change has done to you."

I will constantly be adding to this story. So keep coming back.

Last update: 6 Aug 2000

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