Boogan Buckwheat


Ok, can I just say I'm wicked pissed off about something? Today two people I know and am friends with... No need to mention names, were penalized for carrying messenger bags. Now, I know Mr. Cohen means to better the school and bring meaning to the students lives but he left me wondering... What the hell??? Students are running around naked in the halls (I will have a later piece on this issue) I mean honestly people some poor kid is getting in trouble as you read this because like a good student they were bringing their books to class in a nice, safe, orderly fashion. Meanwhile there are approximately 3 couples making out in a hidden area of the school, 2 fondling each other in the halls, NOT TO MENTION THE TEN THOUSAND LITTLE FRESHMEN WALKING AROUND IN THEIR UNDERWEAR... Which I might add is very tiny! Everyone knows this is happening and regardless of whether you enjoy the little freshmen morsels of jail bait, or like me think it's utterly putrid, it's a giant double standard. If they're going to enforce a rule, please allow the rules to apply to everyone and make sure that you'e enforcing something adequate. Thanks.