
'Guard my stuff.'
'Mooners practice hindsight.'


A dead zebra smells dreadful.
Beatles' tennies had rubber soles.
Life wasn good during your euphoric phase.
'Ask for what's available.'
'Pitch my fork.'
'Horton heard Who.'
'Eat dirt, you moronic retard.'
Need hands? Get an octopus.
What is fish sticks? Tuna heads?
'Slow down, Speedy.'
'Her hair's big. Texans have no class.'
'Poets are imaginative people.'
'Platypus Lip Replenisher.'


Reboot, swear, repeat.
Brassiere producers approached Jane Russell regularly.
James Brown croaked.
My neighbors drink fine Scotch & play chess.
Everything's a damn commie plot!
I'll be in Denmark, making something rotten.
Queen Somethingorother canceled visit to Namibigeriatswanwhatever
"We're binary," computer programers giggled.
Banjo mutation: ukulele.
God accepts everybody but Undernet lowlifes.
Sepaking of dyslexia.
First bullet missed. Second didn't. You're dead.
Bored? Join Marines.
'Poor health? Eat yams!'
'Drinking beer helps country songs.'
'Choreographed "The Chattanooga Choo-Choo" for marching band.'
'Everyone is happy on Planet Heroin.'
'Christian in Duck Sauce, a Zulu treat.'
'Quincy, you is a bad ass coroner!'
'Sir Elton John rejected women.'
Sugar Bear peddled cereal tirelessly.
'Cellphone: "Hello? .... HELLO?????"'
'Most Republicans are prone to rewriting history.'
'Jay Z's sorta black.'
'Jose eluded patrol and entered California.'
Whaling is fun. Screw the humpbacks.
'Quit the Celtics, Shorty.'
'"I cured cancer!" declared the excited doctor.'
'Masks meat problems: ketchup.'
'You bring pie. I'll provide fork.'
'Tenth pregnancy cramped poor Mom's style.'
'"Quickly, ark-builder, describe the contents." "Unicorns: zero."'
'You rewrote Christian scripture, King James.'
'"Feed the fish": on note beside tank.'
'Exuberant president: "Cancel my Secret Service protection!"'


Give someone some encouragement.

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